Grunkle Stan in a crab costume.
You kidding me!? Mr. Krabs isn't giving out refunds!
That's weird, neither is Grunkle Stan!
They're both old and crustaceous too
You know what that means...
Owned by Eugene Krabs aka Mr. Krabs from Spongebob
The Krusty Krab is Mr. Krabs's restaurant.
(Even though it is actually Mr. Krabs')
The act of going to the bottom of the ocean, to the krusty krab to bang the living insides out of mr. Krabs
Ima under the sea to make sum krab love
the episode where a mr-krabs lookalike robot run by plankton says "Ravioli Ravioli give me the formuoli"
Person 1: Yo, have you ever heard of the episode Imitation Krabs?
Person 2: You mean the one where that one robot says "give me the formuoli"? Man that episode was crazy
When a person is consumed in some way by the holy power of one Mr Krabs, owner and operator of the Krusty Krab chain of ocean-based burger restaurants. Those who have been Mister Krabbed's first symptom is usually an obsession with both making and saving money, which is followed by the person's laughter sounding like that of Mr Krabs: "Agagagagagaga!". Eventually, the affected takes on the physical characteristics of Mr Krabs. There is no cure for the disease, and it has a 97.6543994% mortality rate. Over 64,000,000 people have been affected globally.
Dude 1: "Hey Dude, when we go to Universal Studios we should totally check out that SpongeBob float!"
Dude 2: "Yes we shall me boy, Agagagagagaga!"
Dude 1: "Oh my god, I can't believe it. You've been Mr Krabbed! Hurry, get to the ED right away!"
When you don’t give Mr. Krabs his money so he ends your soul.
Hey dude I got a fifty dollar bill from the rusty krab.