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Lard Tits

The excessive over hanging of fat on one's pectorlis majoris and surronding area

I thought i was fat but that guy has full blown lard tits

by animaldrummer234 November 15, 2011


Poo-lard is a hangry being, his super tasting abilities are through the roof. He does not believe in the Green Party as free education is for people who want to pay more than a loonie for a bud light. Poo-Lard is a horny fuck who is found most of the time wanking dry in his blue muscle shirt.
“Give this to my family incase if we die”
-general poo-lard
“My water is much tastier than the H2O of lord dortis - Aqua Poo-lard
“Free education is bullshit, we should have to pay for school”-political Poo-lard

Do not bring up the Green Party or poo-lard will use his super tasting ability’s to fuck ur mom.

by OGlover21 November 24, 2019


A lifeguard that simply sits around on their lard-ass while at work and does not pay any real attention to the swimmers. Employed officially as lifeguards, such folks seem to be completely oblivious and disconnected from their job - which is to guard and protect lives. Life-lards appear to care very little or nothing at all for the lives that they are supposedly guarding.

Life-lards tend to avoid looking at the pool as much as possible. Instead, they hide out in the office, stare into space, and/or talk incessantly to each other. Life-lards also tend to send or read text messages, as a means of avoiding looking at the pool.

by Habitus June 11, 2010

4👍 1👎

lard ass

Obease person

"That lard ass over there is checkin you out...he probably wants to eat you."

by asdf December 13, 2002

42👍 33👎

lard ass

a.k.a. ur mom's fat hairy ass

omg terrance's mom is such a fuckin sick lard ass

by urmom12490709on December 7, 2006

47👍 41👎

Lard Ass

a really really fat kid who when walks his entir stomach bounces and jiggles

God Damn Jaimes such a lard ass

by Duane Peters April 19, 2006

21👍 16👎

lard chops

What you call really fat kidd, and i mean really fat.

Cool kid: hey Lard Chops, your fat, and so is your mom!!!!

Lard Chops: yeah well!!!! im so fat im bullet proof!!

by ph34r_me June 24, 2005

5👍 2👎