When you feel great intestinal pressure, but it turns out the cause of it was a small turd blocking your sphincter, leading to gas building up in your insides, that small turd is named a "Little Lord Fart Leroy" after its diminutive size yet king-sized abilities.
I thought that I really had to go to the bathroom, but it turned out to be a Little Lord Fart Leroy.
Extremely drip with great drama acting skills. Extremely sporty and is very fit. Looks quite smart. Has a big penis.
Omg, why are you acting like a Leroy???
Rank 1 world of warcraft player, knows what he does and no one can stop him.
Private server: Pandawow
Gurubashi hero.
Leroygankings is unstoppable
Man you’re such a good leroy, you could pull anything out of the hat.
Verb. To "Leroy" is the act of two people, generally homosexual, pressing their assholes against each others and then one of them proceeding to defecate into the other's asshole.
John squatted over James and they scissored, pushing their cheeks apart until their assholes kissed. John pushed hard and felt his poop exit his asshole as it slid directly into James'. They had just performed a Leroy.
During the War of 1812 between Upper Canada and the United States vacation specialists LeRoys were busy running around the American forts with the good news theyd handed in their vacation requests two weeks early.
My vacation specialist LeRoy who is slso a blue vest told me he had slready submitted his vacation request on Friday afternoon even though we had two weeks
Leroy is the soil of the earth,
he brings life.
He is the sun rays that pierce through the clouds on the 4th of July,
he brings light.
He is the ocean when a storm hits,
his anger is uncontrollable, quick and irrational just like the waves when they crash against a rocky shore.
He is the cherry blossoms,
blooming in the spring,
that gift us with an exquisite scenery as a gust of wind departs their petals from the trees to carry them along the path walk.
He is the rain,
Pouring down on you and soaking through the Material of your clothes,
weighing you down,
his misery is too much for him to handle by himself at times,
it burdens him like the weight of the absorbed rain water, that eventually will leak from the clouds and lands upon your skin.
He is the roaring fireplace on a cold winters day,
His flames could warm the coldest of hearts and his smile could break them.
He is blood diamonds,
People want him by they’re side,
A man who feds the homeless,
A man who helps a 89 year old man cross the busy traffic in the city,
A man who never passed anyone by without stopping to say hello.
He is admired,
He is loved,
People would rob, steal and kill for him because he’s worth so much.
His is rare,
He is my whole heart.
Lady: Wow! who’s that?
Lady 2: Oh Leroy? just the most handsome man alive.