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A sexxy girl who wants to buy the siphone only she will get it she is the kindest person u will ever meet until u get on the wrong side of her. She has infinity friends cause she is amazing

Created by keriann

OMG there is a squad kerri-lei must be coming

by Kezzybear1 January 9, 2018


known as the specie of frau,ley also known as Ms.Ley or its real name Lisa ley.
She is undercoverly working for the furher also knows as hitler himself. Or another theory is that she is undercover Adolf Hitler himself or Eva Brown and rebirthed to finish he's actions to concure the world and kill every living soul with tramenduce force and extinct every Deutsch boys dream to get an A in German.
She only picks on the kid in class that doenst seem to have a mental disorder or are to smart to even and up in with this bitch. You can't Come late to a class becouse then you will get beaten with a paddle or a basebal bat. She feeds on living excrement.
She is the only thing execept feminsts that will want to make you not live

That bitch Frau,Ley gave me an E

by The kid in the backrow November 24, 2017

sah ley paw

sah ley paw is a shy short hared girl who wears black and teal tights

sah ley pawwwwwwwwwwww

by kahdhb January 30, 2018


The most amazing person you will ever meet or come across. Lei strives to be the greatest she can be at all times. Lei is amazing, intelligent, straight forward, strong, ambitious, intuitive, and best of all, caring. She motivates and encourages those around her to do better and to be better.

Lei is her own unique person. Lei does not care about what others think of her. She knows she is beautiful and attractive. She does not let the outside world determine her future. Lei does not swim with the waves , but she pushes against them. Lei walks her own path and creates a journey that any guy would be lucky to take with her.

Lei will have you dreaming about bigger and better things in life, while also keeping you focus. Any guy would be lucky to meet a girl like Lei. Lei does her best to keep her guy happy, while also keeping a smile on her face. Lei walks with her head held high no matter the situation at hand and she will teach you do the same. She will remain on your mind for minutes at a time. Lei will have you yearning for her presence and her smile. You wouldn't believe how much you could miss someone until you have Lei in your life. Lei will become the reason for your smile, your laughter, your excitement, happiness and most of all, the reason you learn to love who you are, inside and out. She appreciates all your flaws and the silly moments you will have her. Lei's presence is exuberant and her heart amazing, and there is no one like her.

Lei you are amazing.

Lei you are the reason for my happiness.

I love you Lei.

by jordan.t143 November 24, 2021


lei is a very nice but shy girl. her grades are kind of low and shes really shy. shes very attractive and attracts almost everyone she likes

Yo dude! Have u seen lei today?

U mean lei the hottest girl? Nah man I think shes not at school today :(

by user03728345 June 2, 2021


Short For Leisure

A drinking game commonly played by east coast universities and sailing teams. The game consists of two teams, a leiser and a server. Played with ping pong paddles that have the handles broken off, two pint glasses on each side of the table and a 38mm white ping pong ball. The main objective of the game is for the server to volley the ball to the leiser, then the leiser will try to sink the ball in the cups. Resulting in half a beer drank. If the leiser misses the cups, the opposing server shall return the ball and start a rally.

"Dude are we gonna rip up some leis tonight"

"You're seriously leaving lads leis early bro"

by Meax2499 September 20, 2022


An extremely complicated drinking game commonly played in colleges on the eastern seaboard. Mostly played by sailing teams. Will take you years to master just in time to graduate.

Dude! My 6pm got cancelled, grab the natty light and lets play some leis!

by Meax2499 October 21, 2022