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sheesh louise

A common saying used to express disbelief and/or shock.

The original jeez louise.

Trystan: I don't like using the appropriate version of phrases for my current situation!
Everyone else: Sheesh louise, Trystan! That's an ignorant stance to take!

by not bubbles July 29, 2017

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Jeez louise

An exclamation, commonly an alternative for shouting 'Jesus Christ!' whenever something eventful happens.

*horrorfying car accident happens and someone could've possibly died*
"Jeez louise! Call an ambulance!"

by Dinoclaire101 July 12, 2018

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

jordyn louise

A girl who will say she loves you when she doesn't as she just does it to keep you as a friend. she also chooses the wrong type of people as she cant see whats good when it standing right in front of her. so she chooses guys who fuck her over and leave her.

she (jordyn louise) choose someone who was a prick over a guy who tried to be there and do every thing for her.

by ans tracto April 5, 2014

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name used by some girls that means marijuana. it is called that way because it sounds more sophisticated and french, and is less popular then the other names for marijuana

girl1 : did you bring any Marie-Louise?
girl2: yaa! i brought like all of it !!

by maxielle April 26, 2008

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geez louise

same as saying "Jesus Christ!" but in a lighter manner. Usually used to express exclamation.

In the movie "Thelma and Louise", Thelma: "Geeze, Louise. That wasn't very nice." Many think this to be the origin of this expression.

Geez louise, will you give up already?

by ShoXell August 1, 2009

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Thea Louise

Ugly ass bitch, looks like a fucking frog. like holy hell bitch she ugly! She looks like the definition of Frank.

Norwegian 1: Omg look at that ugly bitch.
Norwegian 2: Yeah, Thats Thea Louise!

by Henrik Nicolay March 14, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

cheese louise

it's kinda like saying jeeze louise but it's ten times better.

cheese louise!! did u see that guy's max hit??!!..cheese louise..he must'a been playin runescape fer ever to get that...

by angiexx August 25, 2008

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