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Up in Maryland

This phrase is typically used as a codeword for "indisposed" by guys from the Northern Virginia (NOVA) area when they are stuck in close-quarters scenarios with girls in Maryland (usually tourists) and need to convey to their bros that they can't rid of or away from the females as easily as they thought, so other plans may be cancelled.

Scene: A guy from NOVA meets up with a couple of girls visiting the DC area who happen to be staying in Maryland. The planned meet runs long and the guy ends up escorting the girls around for hours due to multiple flight delays. While they are in the NOVA guy's truck, driving aimlessly, the phone rings.
NOVA Guy 1: Hello.
NOVA Guy 2: Yo man, what's going on? You still up for this party or what?
NOVA Guy 1: Nah bro, I'm still up in Maryland.
NOVA Guy 2: Ah, shit. My bad...
Later in the day:
NOVA Guy 2: So what happened with those girls up in Maryland?
NOVA Guy 1: Man, I couldn't get those bitches outta my truck.

by Cunning-Linguist July 1, 2013

Preston, Maryland

Another tiny town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Preston is even smaller than Federalsburg. They have a whooping total of about 5 cops, and one stoplight. There's really no point in the stoplight, though. It's really dumb. Anyway, there's absolutely nothing to do in Preston. The only thing that goes on is the town carnival in the summer.

1. We've gone all over Preston, Maryland. There's nothing to do.

2. I know. Feel sorry for me. I have to live here.

1. Oh trust me. I do.

2. Thanks.

1. What's with there only being one stoplight in town, though?

2. I don't know, but it's right retarded if you ask me.

by XxNikafaxX March 2, 2012

Maryland Toast

Fancy hipster bread exclusivly served with a big ass soft shell crab from E.A.R.L. in Honolulu, Hawaii, aka the "tummy slappah."

Bruh, that Maryland Toast soft shell crab sandwich is onolicious.

by Jiggysquares December 17, 2020

Maryland Corndog

Usually done by Marylanders, a sexual act in which a female performing oral sex a male covers his penis in a variety of liquid and smothers it using her hands. This liquid can be cum, spit, or even, shit or vomit.

If the partaker wishes to, he or she may also use Maryland-born seasonings, such as Old Bay or McCormick pepper

Chris: Hey Frank, how’ve Sydney and Tim been getting along?
Frank: *Sighs* You wouldn’t believe it, but she’s been giving him the good ol’ Maryland Corndogs whenever she comes over…
Chris: The fuck is that supposed to be?
Frank: It’s.. an eastern shore thing…

by ElainaPastitsio July 28, 2023

Cumberland Maryland

A small town in Western Maryland. Consists mainly of people 50 years or older. Two high schools in cumberland: Eastern side is Fort Hill and the western side is Allegany. Huge rivals in football. Most of the teenage population either smokes weed or crack. Some drop acid in their eyes and others inject heroine in their tear glands so they don't show any signs of tracks. Most kids believe they are part of a gang but in reality the gangs are shitty. They actually make Lil Wayne look "Gangsta".

If you like drugs and want to be a part of a wannabe crip or blood gang, move to cumberland maryland. if youre black we'd love to pay you to do nothing with your life.

by dudesheusedtobang February 12, 2010

128👍 83👎

Maryland Chicken

A small cheap fried chicken franchise based in Leicestershire, UK. Some argue it is "cheap pigeon", but whatever it is I love it and at a price of 5p for a strip, I'm not complaining! The chicken itself is amazing and afterwards, you know you have slightly killed yourself and put your life at risk, but that taste is with you everywhere you go.

Maryland also shits of KFC.

"Bring me a strip burger, chop chop, hurry up! - don't forget the cheese, man, ain't that lovely-up"
"Maryland is scary, man! I'm addicted, to the taste of every damn thing!"

"Hey, dude! Wanna go KFC?"
"Do you think I am made of money and like the taste of bland chicken that couldn't feed a fly?"
"What, man?"
"Go fucking Maryland Chicken."

by joebmxkid March 23, 2013

5👍 1👎

University of Maryland

UMD is ranked #63 nationally; it is an all-around amazing school. From the great parties to the prestigious academics, making the school more selective each year, UMD has it all. The party life is also amazing, and their is tons of diversity and school spirit. Only one metro stop away from DC, University of Maryland College Park could not be in a better location. All in all, the University of Maryland is an amazing school in every aspect, and it gets more prestigious each year, while it remains affordable.

Tim:What college are you going to?
Sophia:University of Maryland. Told you all that studying would pay off!
Tim:Lucky ducky

by Coolyuy12347488338 June 26, 2019

11👍 4👎