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A person who tends to ask for a dollar often

Yo bro you got a dollar? Come on you know me, I'm McKenzie!

by Kiddkenz March 15, 2017

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


ugly as fuck literally has no friends and also likes to kiss girls then claims she’s not a lesbian. The most antisocial human being you will ever meet and by far a shitty person.

Oh my god talk to people your being such a mckenzie.

by thottyhotty October 19, 2019

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Bret McKenzie

One half of the glorious duo called Flight of the Conchords. Bret McKenzie is known primarily for his participation in said band, but has also had a little role in a Lord of the Rings movie and is subsequently known as FIGWIT (Frodo is great--WHO IS THAT?!). He may also be reffered to as the "Boom King". Bret has legions of fans both male and female alike who lust after him, and who can blame them when Bret is so good looking?
Alas, he has a fiance. Sad day my fellow female friends. Sad day.

Man, did you see Flight of the Conchords last night?
YES, and I only watch Bret McKenzie when he's onscreen because he's got it goin on.

by juju624 May 21, 2008

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McKenzie falls

The most retarded show in the history of shows, is actually a show within a show called Sonny with a chance. Its about this dickhead named McKenzie and his whore of a girlfriend Chloe, and the fact that their love is "forbidden" probably because he is her fucking brother *spoiler*

Alice: Lets watch McKenzie falls!
Annie: Falls! *poors water on Alice*

by Anna Lynn Sanders June 14, 2010

Ben McKenzie

The actor who plays Ryan on the OC. He made wife beaters hott.

Wife beaters are in again because of Ben McKenzie.

by Hwkboy April 11, 2005

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dirty mckenzie

she's absolutely gorgeous and gives the best head. her pussy is FIRE. she will do whatever you want her to. she is loyal. and if you have a chance, get with her before i do. treat her like a queen. she precious and if she likes you, you're definitely the only one.

I love that girl. Dirty McKenzie

by kp0005822 April 15, 2020

51πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Brookelle McKenzie

A new age 'scene-queen'.

She has:
- The typical big black hair.
- Mis-matchy clothing type.
- 0375173507389274246 friends on myspace.
- Vain/Better-than-you additude.
- T-mobile sidekick with her at ALL times.
- ETC.

She takes after other scene-queens such as:
+ Audrey Kitching
+ Raquel Reed
+ Kiki Kannibal
+ ETC.

Many people tend to fake her on myspace/vampirefreaks/beb o/ETC.

Exp. 1:
Person 1: OMFGZZZZ did you see the new Brookelle McKenzie picture last night on her myspace?
Person 2: zzzzzomg! Yeah! She is sooooooo amazing!!!

Exp. 2:
Person 1: I'm Brookelle Mckenzie, I'm SO not faking her pictures! Like, look at my 'non-photoshopped' salute!!
Person 2: Uhm, that's a really photoshopped salute. Stop faking Brookelle. She already has like a zillion fakes...

by AshlxyAddiction February 4, 2008

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