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A girl who usually has auburn/brunette hair and amazing hazel/blue eyes that you can stare into for hours on end. She'll always deny any compliments paid to her. She's completely crazy and random but a great friend and always there when you need her the most. She's the first person you can talk to if you need to get something off your chest but she bottles her own feelings up inside. She embarresses herself nearly all of the time. Granted, she can be stubborn and would rather be single than in a relationship but maybe, if she finds that one amazing guy who captures her heart, she'll fall for him.

Person one: "Megan, you look great!
Megan: "Yeah, right..."

by WhoSaidIWasAmazing?Oh... April 2, 2012

304πŸ‘ 271πŸ‘Ž


Megan is a sexy ass bitch. With a banging body, no guy can touch her but they can try. She's smart and has many talents. Her smile will light up a room. She's gorgeous and no guy can resist her kind but mysterious personality.

"Look at that rack!"
"Her name must be Megan!"

by Enragedplants January 15, 2017

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


one who is perfection but also extremely weird. don’t talk to a megan. she will change your whole perception on life. SHE WILL FUCK YOU TILL YOUR DEAD


by pickle rick suck my dick October 8, 2018

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


- An exclusive adjective to describe megan (and megan only).

- It describes the way how thinking about, or having megan in your sight turns all your thoughts into megan thoughts (instead of megan fox).

S: Megan, you're meganizing.
M: What!?
S: What what?
M: I mean, why?
S: I can't tell you know, all my thoughts are meganized. They're all about you. You're mesmerizing, magnetizing, and meganizing. Your stare is like that of Medusa's, it stonifies me.

by Stalker S July 3, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


'Megan' is a Welsh name for 'Pear'. Megan is used for beautiful babies that are definitely going to have a good job, good partner and children. They are thoughtful and have an amazing imagination. They are extremely beautiful inside and out but are shy and insecure people. She would have grew up into a wealthy family. Most Megan's (not all) Have the parents names of: Male| Mark , Shaun , Paul , Chris , Tim . Female| Claire , Lisa , Indianna , Tracey , Mary , Victoria , Becky.

''Megan please make sure you pick up these''

by l3eeeaaa August 2, 2015

21πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


More extreme version of meatatarian (alternate spelling: meagan).

A vegetarian doesn't eat meat; a vegan eats only fruits and vegetables.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, a meatarian wants meat in every meal; a meagan not only wants meat in every meal, but avoids the veggies altogether.

We have a really hard time having dinner together, because I'm a vegetarian and she's megan, so she doesn't like anything I want to eat!

by my name is Cos May 24, 2008

2960πŸ‘ 2953πŸ‘Ž


the hottest person in the history of the earth she is absolutely stunning mostly tend to be violent they are girls who have either massive trust issues and tiny tits or huge tits and no trust issues. If u meet a megan wife her asap she will be the most loyal person ever.

person 1: yo that girl over there has massive tits

person 2: she’s probably a megan

person 3: mate wife her asap she’ll be super loyal

by love ya_ June 21, 2022

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