When your significant other or parents are away for a few days and you plan with your old trustful friends to meet up.
It usually happens in a tucked away shack in the woods where wild and crazy sexual experiences occur. You smoke weed, sing songs, lots of laughs, massages, spa baths, explore various kinds of sexual pleasure, lots of dirty taboo sex which is so good you're not even allowed to think about it. It can occur between two or more groups of friends, depends on what tickles your fancy.
Sia: 'Having sex with someone you really shouldn't be having sex with can make you reach for the skies faster than Kim Jong-Un's super large heavy nuclear warhead'.
Jocelyn: 'True, when the cats are away, the mice will come out and play that's for sure'.
I met this new chick last night. She’s pretty, but dumber than a sack of wet mice.
Inserting a tampon and the string looks like a mouses tail hanging out of her vagina.
omg, my girlfriend is such moody bitch right now, she must be killing white mice.
Nice Mice Nice Mice Nice Mice. Oh yeah also, MOM TOM MOM TOM MOM TOM. Oh yeah, you cant forget about STILL CHILL STILL CHILL.
this definition is english, duh, Its not in spanish text. Sorry, carlos and santiago!
Guy 1 Matt: Hey man, I got some NICE MICE!
Guy 2 Josh: Nice! From where did you get those nice fat rice-eating mice?
Guy 3 Santiago: Oye, estos ingleses son patéticos, ¿no crees, carlos?
Guy 4 Carlos: Sí, están hablando de buenos ratones o alguna mierda.
Guy 2 Josh: lol they talking shit about us in spanish. XD
Guy 1 Matt: Whatever, they can talk all the shit they want in that apostrophe lookin ass language they got, just dont give a fuck about these people.
Guy 5 (Anonymous and is on the other side of the world) You: How did talking about Matt's nice mice escalate to this?
a fine rain.
It is opposite to the expression rains cats and dogs.
Hey Salwa! you don't have to wear your raincoat. It is only raining mice and flies.
In Kurdistan, it usually rains mice and flies in fall.
Certain death is imminent. Doom is nearby. Taken from Condoleeza Rice's account of a feared biological poisoning that took place during George W. Bush's presidency. While waiting for test results she was told by an assistant "if the mice are feetup" (meaning the mice lying on their backs dead) then they would soon be dead themselves. If the mice were feet down (meaning the mice were up and walking about), then they would live.
"Dude! What's wrong?"
"The mice are feet up. My girlfriend caught me cheating on her."