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Person in the internet below Moderator buy above the average user.
They dream of a life in the top, and one where they can be free of the moderators terror

User 1: Hola
User 2: No your gonna summon the Sub-Moderator
Sub-moderator: wassup, English only please

by Imagine reading this February 1, 2021

4chan moderators

A group of losers with no respect in the real world so they convince themselves that by randomly banning people from their faggot board, that this somehow makes up for their utter pathetic state in life. They are self-deluded into thinking they are somehow elite because they moderate a crappy imageboard.

4chan moderators are fucking retarded pieces of shit with no lives who sit around all day thinking they're something great and that they have amounted to anything in life.

by Dude Regular June 19, 2011

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Reddit Moderator

An unpaid internet jannie who probably smells bad, hasn't showered in months and who's specifically designed to suck the fun out of threads, remove posts and not have to state a reason, maintain circlejerk, target people, and use endless tools at their disposal which the average user typically has no clue about.

5 Moderators control more than 100 popular subreddits and uphold the same central circlejerk that continually makes the site shallow cancer. If you're a Reddit Moderator, you're more than likely to have been bullied at some point early on and have the propensity to take it out on innocent people.

"Man this meme was pretty funny, the comments were dope af, too bad this Reddit Moderator removed it for no reason."

by S0rce August 15, 2022

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Internet moderator

Moderator of internet forums, usually sad, lonely and ginger. Likes to cause arguements and think they are really really good by being smart on the internet. Unaware that most people don't actually give a shit. See internet nerd and sad cunt.

Jeff: Bit of polish sir?

forum user: Er, no thanks.

Jeff: But you said before that you want a bit of polish, look here in this forum page I saved off you 29 years ago.

forum user: And?

Jeff: Ahahahaha, I own you.

forum user: Yes, indeed you do. Quite!

Jeff: I can twist your words and strike fear into any man on de net.

forum user: Jesus Christ. Get a life you sad cunt.

Jeff: Hahahahaha OWNED! I are internet moderator.

forum user: Righto, enough of this sad plonker. Moff to the bar.

Jeff: Hahahahahha think twice.

Hacked person: Yeah yeah, carry on you fruit cake.

by Snake breeder December 21, 2010

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GameFaqs Moderator

Bunch of nerds who have had their heads dunked into so many toilet bowls in their lives that they lost count.

Prime targets for locker-shovings and wedgies when in grade school, high school and college.

Take out their pent up rage by having a small amount of authority to delete children's messages on an internet forum. They have spent almost their entire lives on GameFAQs and have submitted applications to become moderators for years just to have this small feeling of power.

Mostly late 20-something year olds or 30-something year olds who control the flow of information on a website designed for children. Still watch anime and live in their mom's basement.

Basically these are Toys R Us kids who never grew up. Pathetic excuses for human beings and social rejects. Failures at real life who get a catharsis through being online dictators. Follow no rules other than the ones they make up on the spot for banning you. Official Site Rules are basically just put up as a joke and are not even worth reading.

Virgins for life or have some sort of ugly ass companion who they have painfully awkward sex with once in a while.

Wastes of oxygen.

The GameFAQs moderator went and banned some guy's account because he said he wasn't a fan of some stupid anime show that he liked.

by LolGameFAQs August 17, 2011

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Gamefaqs Moderator

The Gamefaqs moderators are sons of bitches who have nothing better to do than fuck CJayC,and ban a 7 year old for saying lolipop. They are nerds who have no real life, but think that Gamefaqs is their life. They are corrupt pieces of shit who do not listen to anyone's plees of innocence, and who think that they are top, when they are not.

Moderator1: Hey CJayC, wanna suck my johnny?
CJayC: Why yes, my man ho, I can't wait.
Moderator2: Alert! Alert! Someone is underage by one day!
Moderator1: Quick my gay friends, lets get to the Ban Button to exterminate them.

~ A Gamefaqs Moderator and CjayC

by RedBollu November 3, 2006

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Instagram Moderators

Stupid people who will leave illicit photos of children up but will take down anything remotely edgy or far right. Often known for quick action against "hate speech", unless it is calls for violence by communists.

Seemingly promoters of degeneracy.

User 1: Did you see that nasty image? They looked barely 12!
User 2: Yeah, I reported it 4 times, but the Instagram Moderators said there was nothing wrong with it.

by Canuck Crusader November 24, 2019