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A Muslim is a follower of the Islamic faith. Contrary to what appears to be, from the vast majority of the widely bigoted definitions other users of this website have submitted, popular belief, Mulsims follow a religion that is no better or worse than any other and is not a terrorist religion.
Muslims follow the prophet Muhammad.
Contrary to popular belief, jihad (holy war), although it is required by Islam, is often not a literal war. In fact, it is believed in the Islamic faith that inner war is the highest of all holy wars--meaning that one must fight inside oneself the way that many non-Muslims do on a day-to-day basis to be a better, holier person.
In Islam, Jews and Christians are accepted as "people of the book" because they use the same holy books that Muslims believe in and the Koran comes from.
Muslim terrorism often only comes from the power-hungry who abuse religion (and it cannot be denied that this hasn't occurred in all religions, particularly Christianity) and the uneducated who have been given misinformation by the power-hungry. Islam in itself is not a terrorist faith and never has been. Also, the notion that Islam was originally spread by early terrorists galloping through the Middle East on camel back is untrue and is a notion similar to the fact that a reason Christianity is so prevalent worldwide is that it was sometimes spread by force and violence, despite the fact that violence is an undeniable violation of the laws set forth in Christianity.

Muslim: Hi everyone I'm a Muslim and I'm not a terrorist.

by justtryingtostopsomeignorance September 27, 2011

471๐Ÿ‘ 1073๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Muslim is a person who believes in the religion of Islam. Islam is a religion which is similar to Christianity in many ways and anyone who is willing to be a muslim can only be a muslim without being an extremist.

An extremist would:

- Stand on top of a Mail box and curse upon every other religion's belief.
- Scold or harm their women for any reason whatsoever
- Kill people in the name of what they perceive of Islam (an example would be Osama Bin Laden, who is not a Muslim)
- Believe everyone but Muslims are going to hell.
- Watch Porn and say he/she is religious (which is against the Qur'an, once again)

A muslim would:

- Never curse, or if they dare to curse, do so minimally (even though it is against the Islamic Religion) - Hey, not everyone's perfect eh?
- Never harm anyone for any reason unless forced to or asked to by god (which, in the modern day, is impossible by the Qur'an)
- Never kill anyone in the name of Islam, rather die a martyr of Islam.
- Believe what is written in the Qur'an and understand that everyone has a chance of getting into heaven.

- Cover their eyes while a naked person, even half naked, were to walk past them.

A muslim is not a terrorist because Muslims are not allowed to be muslim if they kill anyone. No terrorist is a Muslim

Look at Muhammad, he treats his wife so gently and he never talks to anyone in a rude manner. He is a true muslim because he never swears and never stands on top of his mailbox screaming at either one of his two neighbours who are christian and jewish.

by ButtHurtGuyWhoHatesPropaganda December 29, 2014

133๐Ÿ‘ 288๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A follower of Islam, an Abrahamic religion
2. What many people ignorantly use to label anyone of Middle-Eastern descent.

1. The Muslim prayed outside.
Person: "Hey, this guy arrived from Iran the other day"
Ignorant person: "Oh, he's a Muslim!"
Person: "No, he's a devout Christian"
Ignorant person: "Oh...So he's a Christian Muslim!"
Person: *Facepalm*

by udusers1 September 17, 2013

447๐Ÿ‘ 1066๐Ÿ‘Ž


Muslim is a follower of the religion, Islam. Most Muslims respect other religions. Muslims don't force other people to be one of them, they can tolerate with very open-minded. Muslims are not terrorist.

"Hi, my name is Khan. I am a Muslim and I am not a terrorist."

"Sorry for asking, but is that true that you are a Muslim?"

"Muslims, Christians, Buddhist, Hindu or others, we are all just humans."

by TAKSA sia September 19, 2017

211๐Ÿ‘ 509๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lot of people think Muslims are terriost. Not all Muslim hate Americans and want to blow up buildings and people. Most Americans don't understand that Muslim religion is well known in Africa , Asia and the Middle East. There is over 1 billion people that worship Allah known as God in the Muslim religion. The Majority of Muslims come from Africa, Middle East and India. There are two groups of Muslims, one being the Sunni and the other being Shia Sunni is the largeest denomination followed by the Shia. The majority of Sunni Muslims come from Indonesia, Lower Egypt, Somalia, Jordan, Lebannon, Syria, Sri Lanka and Palestine. The Shia believed that the Prohet Muhammad relatives should have ruled Islam. through the blood line. After the death of Muhammad the country of Islam was torn in two.

The Shia wanted Ali Muhammad (cousin and son in law of the Prophet Muhammand) to take over Isam.

The Sunni Mulism wasn't going to be governed by Ali Mu hammad. They wanted a differnt ruler. They decided to have Abu Bakr to lead the Sunni Muslims. Both groups are fighting over who's beliefs are similar to the Prophet Muhammad.

In the Muslim culture the Prophet Muhammad is the annoited one just like Jesus Christ is to Christian and the Jews. This is why you see alot of Muslim men are named Ali or Muhammad. It is a honor to name you son after the Prophet Muhammad or Ali Muhammad. This is similar to the Christian standard of naming your son Daivd,Phillip, Peter, Paul etc. The Sunni believed in a theology system of schools of the Muslim religion. EX: Similar to Greek scholars or diciples of books of Jesus Christ. Each school's has their own opinion of the Prohet Mahammad and Alla. Shia are angry at the Sunni for not continuning the belief of passing the royal blood line of the Prophet Mahammed. Both have a different religious opinion of the Prohet Muhammad. The Shia believe that Muslims were not suppose to mingle with the Christians and the Jews. They believe if you run across a Christian or a Jew you executed them.

The Shia constantly trying to come up with excuese not to follow the Quran. The Quran is similar to the bible. Most Muslims coed of ethics are similar to the Christians and Jewsish faith.
They don't believe in stealing,murder,adultry etc. The Shia don't believe that murder or stealing is a sin.

The Shia do not like Americans, they are the ones that created the Tailban. The Shia Muslims are the ones that are doing most of the terroist work not the Sunni Muslims. The Shia believes that their belief system is more right over the Sunni Muslims. All the Sunni Muslims want to do is create love and peace.
They are the true believers of the Prohet Muhammed.

Ex: The Muslims believe in the same ethic codes as Christians bible codes.

by itis July 17, 2009

299๐Ÿ‘ 749๐Ÿ‘Ž


Muslim people follow the religion of Islam

a Muslim country/ state
a Muslim family

by Pundit.G February 19, 2016

413๐Ÿ‘ 1059๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is the real definition.
Muslim is a person who has Islam as his/her religion. Muslim are different around the world. it depends on their country where they're from. Muslim Women sometimes have their head covered by scarf, sometimes they don't, it depends on their choice. Muslim man is the leader of the family. Muslim woman must be respected and protected. Most muslim love peace. Some muslim misinterpreted Al-Qur'an (Islam's Bible) so that they act childish with anger and all that suff that cause the world misinterpreted Muslim. Muslims don't care what's your religion. Because it said in the Al-Qur'an that "Your religion is yours, my religion is mine". Muslim love their religion.

A : So, You guys are Islam, huh?
B : No, We're Muslims.

by diamisshut November 2, 2012

270๐Ÿ‘ 703๐Ÿ‘Ž