Wayne, NJ sucks. Upperclass pieces of pretentious shit. Looks nice...not. Its garbage.
Fuckin Sareeen lives in Wayne, NJ
51👍 50👎
Possibly the best town in essex county... cut in half probably somewhere in between prospect and springfield ave that being maplehood and maplewood... home of the newark/irivington born gangster as well as italians irish scotts etc etc.. some people think south orange is a much better town but every1 knows that south orange are a bunch of fags and we run them... maplewood is the best town of essex county which is the best count of jersey which is the best state in the nation....simply put
84👍 92👎
a overly upper class town. Inhabiting this town you will find less than 10 hard laborers, that are also legal citizens. Of the population that are minors you'll find a large amount of emos, the "Wolf Pack", and a shit ton of people that play soccer, the entire population, tough diverse can agree that they all hate their town. fortunately, it is not as boring as the neighboring town mendham. the youth also seem to enjoy partaking in activities that involve drinking and smoking weed. altough some will do it just so they'll be "cool" (see back to wolf pack.).
"I can't wait to get out of Chester, NJ"
16👍 13👎
I live here, so some of you stupid people don't know what you're talking about. We have moderate temperatures and have pretty nice houses. There are a couple of of streets like School Road East. The school district is really good. Great, smart teachers. There really is NOTHING to do!!!!!! Just going to the Freehold Raceway Mall to shop, go to the new dog park, go to the parks, the recreation center, or the library. We have a small plaza with an awesome pizza parlor and a great dim sum place called. We have a senior Living Center, for Senior Citizens to live in when they are older. There are Girl Scouts that are in town. A couple of ttroops, not many. We have many different cultures here. From Chinese to Albainian. We have many religons too. From Christian to Muslim. We are very different. Most people DO come from Brooklyn or New York, They still comute like regular people. Like you. And the girls don't wear fancy or designer stuff. I mean, some girls wear Juicy, but that's as fance or designer as we get in Marlboro. Agree with number 6, the ONLY good defintion of Marlboro. So, shut your stupid, suckish, pig mouths and forget what everyone else says, Marlboro, NJ is a GREAT town!
Guy 1: "Hey, I'm new in Marlboro,NJ. Where's a good place to get some great food here?"
Guy 2: Oh, well there's Crown Palace on Main Street, or Romeo's or Bagel Talk for breakfast.
Guy 1: Oh, thanks. Is there a place for my dog to play off leash in town?
Guy 2: Yeah, it's right near the library, in front of the rec center.
Guy 1: Thanks again. But would you also know where a soccor feild or a park is?
Guy 2: Yeah, there are a bunch everywhere. Near the rec center, or at the schools.
Guy 1: Do you guys have a good school system?
Guy 2: Yep, the schools even have anti-bullying seminars for the children. So, the school would be bully-free!
Guy 1: Okay, thank you so much.
31👍 29👎
A great town i dont care what you say . All those people who live here and say "OMFG MEDFORD IS SOOOOOOO BORING" need take a look around them. The black to white ratio is 99 to 1 , less then that even. There is no crime . The is a gay ass highschool that we all take as a complet joke. It was nick named "shawnee prison" Dew to the ban on drinking water and the loss of ketchup cup. Cause they didnt fit into the budget which is like 4000000 dollars . There are mostly big homes over 5000 sq feet. Your 30 mins from philly 10 mins from the mall 10 mins from a movie theater 2 hours from NYC and 30 mins from the shore. Also there is no more building there due to the pinebarrens what eles can you ask for??? Oh and i cant forget the massive drugs that go threw this town , its kinda funny cause you wouldnt think it until you walked into shawnee for about 10 mins.
White , nice clothes , nice shoes , and drinking on the bored walk at 14 years old . He must be from medford.
50👍 54👎
Predominantly Italian neighborhood in New Jersey, with a small number is hispanics and chinese. was voted 38th best place to live IN NEW JERSEY although it is a technically a blue zone the democrats living there are generally not as outspoken as the republicans, so to an outsider, it would seem predominantly red. However, that is not to say that there aren’t many republicans. driving down most streets in nutley, you’ll seem some sort of republican memorabilia, whether it be a lawn sign or a blue lives matter flag. there is an incredibly low amount of openly lgbt population, which doesn’t mean that they aren’t there, it just means that they’re afraid of being called fag while walking down the street to get a slice a of pizza from the “famous” pizzeria ralph’s near yantacaw elementary school. speaking of slurs, most kids in nutley, due to an extremely low amount of african americans living there, believe that they can use the n word, because their black friends allow them. most use some sort of drug, whether it be weed, alcohol, cigarettes, or the infamous juuling. most juulers get their juul/pods at a convenience store near the high school, which sells to everyone as long as you look around 14. the average age to lose your virginity is 13. the general population looks like the cast of jersey shore, and the houses generally aren’t very large, with most families lying around middle class, some approaching but not reaching upper middle class, and some others in lower middle.
Hey, Anthony, Antonio, Ant, Tony, I’m heading over to Nutley, NJ to buy some pods! Wanna come with and get wings at Gone With The Wings after?
3👍 1👎
Hillside, NJ is a middle and upper middle class town of mostly Portuguese and Africans bisected by Route 22 and a set of train tracks. There is a small Jewish presence as well as a growing Hispanic presence. Upperclass residents either live in the more ostentatious Westminster section or invest a lot into designing the interior of their homes in the rest of Hillside as to not draw attention. Teens hang out at at Central Avenue Park ,Short Hills Mall, Jersey Gardens Mall, or inside homes playing video games. Both parents work so there's very little fraternizing with neighbors beyond small talk.
You're from Hillside, NJ? I figured as much since you do well in school and speak really well but still manage to play basketball and hang out wit. Your parents must have their shit together. Property taxes are high.
3👍 3👎