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National Send a Nude Day

February 22nd. On this day, you send a nude to the person you love. Whether it brightens their day and/or sparks some intimate emotions, your nude will be greatly appreciated by the person of your choosing.

National Send A Nude Day: A day where you send a picture of yourself showing you naked exposing your most private parts to the person you trust the most

*sends nude to boyfriend*
Boyfriend: Baby, you are literally the person of my dreams and nothing makes me happier than knowing I’m worthy of your spectacular nudes.
*sends nude to girlfriend*

by Mavchell02 February 22, 2024

National Belated Send Nudes Day

Today is the day after Send Nudes day. That means when you learned about it just too late, you scrambled to get women to send you nudes and it didn't work, so now there has to be a whole day dedicated to belated nudes.

Listen Nika, I forgive you for not sending them yesterday, but I can still accept the nudes on account of it being National Belated Send Nudes Day.

by NewYorkMinute April 19, 2018

National send Even nudes day

14 julidu sende nudes til Even

Håvard: Idag e d 14 juli
Tormod: ååå faen det e national send Even nudes day. Da må æ send:(

by EVEN E DIGG💕 July 13, 2020

National neyla send nudes day

Well yuh gotta do it

National neyla send nudes day
Hey neyla im kinda bored send noods

by Curly kid October 5, 2021

National Send Nudes to Charlie Day

September 25th: a day where you send nudes to any guy you know named Charlie, Charles, Chuck, Chazz, etc.

Person 1: oh shit it’s September 25th!! It’s National Send Nudes to Charlie Day!!
Person 2: Well you better hurry up then

by chazzfucker September 25, 2020

may 23 national send nudes day

may 23 is national send nudes day

hey today is may 23 national send nudes day *sends nudes*
thanks bro *saves*

by nigganigga May 23, 2024

National send Nudes day 4

on the 28th of October you must send nudes to your bf

Its National Send Nudes day 4 ;) so send away gf

by OliverTheGodfather October 28, 2020