Something you call someone when you have nothing else to say.
Person 1: you're nice.
Person 2: Nice is something you say when you have nothing else to say. I'm not nice.
Garrett is the definition of nice.
Jasmine: "Garrett what's the definition of nice?"
Garrett: "Type in Nice in Urban dictionary"
Jasmine: "Ok"
Jasmine: "No way!!1!1"
A word to use when you have nothing to say so you don't seem awkward. Can also be used to fill a conversation in.
"I just got a new Nintendo Switch"
When you complement yourself or pat yourself on the back after doing something that you think is worthy of praise. Another form of niceing is laughing at our own jokes.
Ugh, that king won't stop niceing. Doesn't he realize he's not funny?
Haha look at guy niceing himself! He has no shame.
*winks at self in the mirror* Mmm nothing like a healthy dose of niceing to start the day!
A text message you respond to your friend who says an extremely dumb comment.
Mary: your parents are sitting next to me at Pizza Hut, lol
You: Nice/
A response for when your friend says something unnecessary and stupid over text.
Mary: Your parents are sitting next to me at Chili’s lol
The group chat: Nice/