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you don't know shit from your asshole

To be oblivious or uninformed on a subject you are trying to create a dialogue about.

The fact you think the government faked the moon landing proves you don't know shit from your asshole.

by djstickyfing3rz April 3, 2015

You don't know what I got

A phrase originated by Corey Baker to express that Sonni does not know what he has

"You don't know what I got Sonni"

by Reeis myname November 5, 2011

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good thing you don't keep guns in the house

A phrase used in response to somebody overreacting over a minor or petty incident.

Bob: Those idiots at Taco Bell messed up my damn order again! I should go over there and slap some goddamn sense into those stupid shits!
Dave: Sheesh. Good thing you don't keep guns in the house.

by Affable Douche December 2, 2013

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when you're this cool, you don't bother with the details

You're just too cool to bother with any details of anything.
And surpass the level of 'Epic coolness'

This line CANNOT be said. Unless you strike a cool pose right after.

Mother: Sweetie, you have weird rocker friends.
Daughter: I'm not a rocker!
Mother: ...Sorry. You have weird goth friends.
Daughter: I'm not goth!
Mother: Then what are you?!
Daughter: Mom! When you're this cool, You don't bother with the details. ;D

by Ashley ;D June 18, 2008

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Oh you don't know what Karlson is?

Karlson is just a little game Dani's working on, Its currently the 12th most wishlisted game on steam so smash wishlist now so we can get to the number one spot GAMERS!!

Guy 1: "Bro have you heard of karlson?"
Guy 2: "Yeah have you?"
Guy 1: "Nah man, I've never seen this"
Guy 2: "Oh you don't know what Karlson is? Karlson is just a li-"

by Qutex December 13, 2021

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If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will

As we live our lives, we study, make friends, hit finals, fall in love, run the table, strive for greatness, and just enjoy life's ride. We may learn many facts in life, but if we can take just one important fact from life it would be:

"If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will!"

There's no saying in life that has more truth to it. You can't argue with this great fact of life hence why it is becoming one of the most famous friggin' sayings in our world today.

Here's what it all boils down to idiots. "If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will" is very simple. If we were to put it on the friggin' scale of simplicity, i'd say it's a 9.872. Just think in your mind If I don't hit that damn final, someone else will. Meaning, If I can't hit that damn final, and i'm relying on my partner to hit the damn final, but their relying on me to hit the damn final, then neither of us is gunna hit the damn final and we're gunna lose the friggin' game. It's that friggin simple morons, ya know.

P.s. The DAMN is a vital part of the famous saying!

by S Santang October 29, 2009

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You don't have enough memory in the memory card

A casual, subtle way of calling someone stupid, as they do not have enough memory in their memory card. Or, in other words, not enough memory in their brain.

Person 1: Does 2 + 2 = 5?
Person 2: You don't have enough memory in the memory card. Is your memory card set correctly?

by Based Cow June 16, 2022