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es te ef u

HAHA d00d.. es te ef u. think (STFU)

OMG ADAM!! es te ef u!!!!!!

sorry thats all i can think of right now

by like im going to give you that... October 13, 2004

4👍 14👎

Ay, bee, see, dee, e, ef, gee, aitch, eye, jay, kay, el, em, en, oh, pee, que, ar, es, tee, you, vee, double you, ex why, zed.

when your so bored you wonder how you spell each letter of the alphabet.

"hmm I wonder how to say each letter in the alphabet"
"I know

Ay, bee, see, dee, e, ef, gee, aitch, eye, jay, kay, el, em, en, oh, pee, que, ar, es, tee, you, vee, double you, ex why, zed."

by boooooooooooooored June 2, 2021

58👍 1👎

yaniv ef

yaniv is a space cousina f***er with space aids who is always wrong

yaniv: "I'm yaniv ef and I got aids from my space cousina"
everyone: "ewww from your cousin??"

by yanivisgay69 January 12, 2025

Dirty Efe

A person that’s is both the life an soul of the party always making people smile but also a massive hoe sleeping around also used a way to call someone a bitch

Wow have you seen that girl last night , she was at the party yesterday super drunk but she’s still going must be a dirty Efe

by COCKLOTSER September 10, 2020

Efe Bulut

This mf got 75 from control engineering wtf.

"Bro I'm sure Efe Bulut will get another 75 from his exam"

by cumengineer May 21, 2022


Derived from the name of the illustrious "moron" MP, Michael Ignatieff, Ignati-effed is a descriptor used in place of an f type descriptor.

Yo, did you see that?!?!?

Ya man, that was Ignati-effed.

by Supa Dave McKinnon February 28, 2011


other definition for the curse word fucking*

thats the ugliest efing skirt i hav ever seen in my entire life.

by tupapa1234 April 12, 2022