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Hangover sillies

The incontrollable silliness and/or giddiness that follows a night of excessive drinking.

Person 1: I just threw up in the dune grass.
Person 2: Fact - every second Christmas, an African child punches a baby.
Person 1: We have such a bad case of the hangover sillies.

by Freckles17 August 21, 2011

Beach Hangover

The headache or fatigue one might encounter after a day at the Beach.

I got the worst Beach Hangover yesterday.

by Alex Lefebvre February 17, 2008

beach hangover

Referring to the way one shuffles into work/class the day after having spent a full day at the beach, moving a little more slowly than usual because of the excessive use of back and shoulder muscles for water and/or beach sports, the inability to sit or lay comfortably due to the sunburn ranging from irritating to ragingly painful that dictates every move and raises the unnecessary question from everybody of "Did you go to the beach?", and crunchy remnants of sand in the hair, ears, eyes, mouth, or other susceptible body parts even after showering.

Note: A beach hangover can take anywhere from hours to days before achieving a full recovery and may just require a few showers and water, or copious amounts of Aloe Vera and electrolytes.

I spent my entire Labor Day at the beach surfing and chilling with friends, but ended up going to work with a beach hangover the next day.

My cousin was visiting Florida from Minnesota for a week and had a beach hangover her entire stay after spending the first day on the beach.

by Layla Maree September 9, 2009

Halloween Hangover

The Worst sugar crash you've ever experienced; Usually Happens the Morning after Halloween. It can be combined with alcohol.

guy 1: man, I have such a sick halloween hangover.

guy 2: Stop talking so loud!

by pwn3d_2damax November 1, 2009

facebook hangover

The act of waking up one morning and looking back at what you commented/liked on facebook the night before and saying What the Fuck?

Guy #1: "At what point last night was I talking to a girl that looks like the turtle from finding nemo on facebook?"

Guy #2: " Idk you must have had a facebook hangover."

by Mike CockCherry June 20, 2011

reverse hangover

Had a big night on the raspberry cordials. To your dismay you wake up the next morning feeling pretty good but for every hour your awake you feel considerably worse, until you eventually feel as hungover as you should if not worse.

Mate: I woke up this morning feeling fine considering how drunk I was last night, but I went to get some food and it just hit me like a bus.
Me: Haha, you did grab the bouncer on the butt on the way out of the club!
Mate : I think I've got a reverse hangover.

by BoxingKangaroo January 18, 2014

Hangout Hangover

When an introvert maxes out their social battery the night before and is still recovering in the morning.

“Dude after spending all last night with you guys I had such a hangout hangover that I slept through my first two classes

by ~Spunkyanonymity~ November 7, 2019