the act of waiting for a minor character floor or slip-up to arise to justify being angery at an entity allowing you to publicly judge and socially 'hanging them' without social ramifications being passed on to the hanger.
This normally exhibits an exageration of the facts and feelings involved and an implimentation of the moral high ground so to be viewed as the 'bigger person' where as the real reason normally conists of the resonance with the angree's insicurites normally repressent by the stead fast alligning with the causes and the transference of responcibility to a higher power.
example of use:
1.judger: "look i can't just sit here while he treats every one like shit."
friend: "excuses for big nooses."
1.example of transference:
judger: "look it not up to me, what happens happens, the group will de side."
1đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž
Knowing beforehand that whatever you're about to proceed into is doomed.
20 pounds of uncut Peruvian flake (cocaine) taped to his thighs?!? Didn't anyone clue that doofusin? That's like tying your own noose if you think youre gonna make it by the coppers through customs.
"I LL show him! " she storms out of the secret cubby hole exploding towards the bedroom door.
The Black Widow turns to her prospective new mate, while munching on her husbands head.
"That crazy leggy broad is tying her own noose, if she thinks she can untangle that love connection."
2đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž
This means if you spot an animal being neglected not to call the police or animal control and to call a local rescue instead. This is because police and animal control are known to not do anything about cases they don’t see as serious.
“That persons hit their dog, we should call animal control.”
“No, we should call a rescue instead. Remember, see abuse? Don’t grab the noose.”
a man with a large enough schlong to choke an elephant, a baby elephant, but an elephant none the less.
"why is that girl in a wheelchair?"
"she had sex with elephant noose"
A term used to describe the effect on many unfortunate men of woman's greatest weapon. A weapon shamelessly wielded by a certain type of woman, effectively more often than not, to wickedly get her own way and reduce men to pathetic approximations of what they once were. The first sign of it's effect is typically when a male goes missing from weekly boys nights, card games, fishing trips and the like. More serious effects may even extend to a woman gaining access to such things as a closed male only WhatsApp group with understandly disastrous consequences.
Conversation over a beer:
Dude 1: What's happened to Joe? Haven't seen him for donkeys.
Dude 2: the dopey cunts fucked. He's shacked up with some ranga scrag who's been riding him to within an inch of his life. He's had a lengthy dry spell up to now so you can't blame him for dipping the wick but she's mad as a cut snake and won't let the poor fucker take so much as a piss without written permission. He'll wise up soon enough once he gets a decent look at her melon in the sunlight but for now he's well and truly caught in the hairy noose. I'd give him a month and we'll see him back. He loves the suds.
When a girl takes a dance move too far and accidentally hangs herself, and then you have sex with her dead body.
Person 1: Hey what was that smell coming from your room last night?
Person 2: Oh, last night I gave Sarah a noose caboose.
Person 1: what the fu--
i suicidal or stupid action......
sumthin lame or mean
'he noosed himself over that cookie incident'
' mum noosed me for being out'
i got noosed for crying while my stepdad violated me'