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sacred raisin cake

Derives from Bible references. Has become a euphemism for eating ass or anal sex. Especially amongst the Christian community. Also forbidden raisin cake.

The Bible refers to sacred raisin cake in Josea:3

by Chain link August 29, 2022

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Sacred Heart Academy

A school full of stuck up suburbian girls who come to SHA after being bullied out of Clarence, Williamsville, and Amherst middle schools. These girls like to devote their air tight pussies to the closeted Kenmore boys known as the “Mauraders”. They reside in the riches of Amherst where they create multiple spam accounts to gain massive followers on Instagram to mask their many insecurities. Their obsession of volleyball is almost greater than their hatred for the high tier Nardin girls who are put well above Sacred Heart girls on the food chain.

Person 1: “I heard she went from Clarence to Sacred Heart Academy?”
Person 2: “Yea, to the streets she go!”

by igetpussy888 November 5, 2021

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The Sacred Six (Pt 3)

The Act.
The Actor has the choice of performing any one of the Sacred Six, with the exception of Genuswine, as Genuswine is not performable as it being genuine thus regarded as a normal conversation. An important note is that the Actor can be any ganjster in the group smoking the ganj, so there is no explicit Actor.

The Call.
Calling the Actors act has to be performed under strict regulations, and if done incorrectly, a correct call may be voided. To correctly call an act, the Caller MUST NOT abruptly state the component of the Sacred Six the Actor is performing.
To correctly call an act, one must clearly show the Actor a sign that they have recognised their act. Ways to show the actor this are:
• Raised eyebrows and smiling
• Pointing
• Saying “Ahhhhhhhh” in a long enunciated manner
• Or a combination of 2 or more of these
If a correct call has been made, this would initiate the elaboration request.

An exemption to the standard structure of rules the Sacred Six follows (which are the Act, the Call, the Elaboration Approval, the Explanation, and the answer) is if the “would-be-Caller” does not recognise an act by the Actor. In this situation, the Actor is deemed to have pulled an excellent act, and is worthy of appraisal, and the game stops there.

*After having smoked 3/5 joints*
Jake - "Bro there's only one jay left"
Nilz - "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" *whilst pointing*
Jake - *Smiles and points back approvingly*
Nilz - "Hmmm... Occasional Fuckery!!!"
Jake - "Well played you ganjster"


by The Ganjsters September 29, 2011

Sacred Heart High School

Dec 2017
It's with a wretched heart to report that Sacred Heart High School hasn't experienced any progress. Since your departure the athletic department introduced football. Once thought to add pride to the culture has only taken away from our reputation fueling the egos of many untalented “athletes”.
The administration's gone through many changes, now a board of senile people who seek to eliminate fun. Their financial activity has severely hurt both wallets of the parents and the well-being of the school. Tuition has increased with no signs of the money going to good use. The science wing received a high-tech refurbishment. However classes have only used the equipment to make paper boxes. The speech & debate room now has lights, seats, and a window so while walking to the caf you can see the lesbians sc*****ing each other on stage. This program lures ignorant 7th graders into submitting themselves into a life-long of sexual experimentation and identification issues.
To fortify our school a multi-thousand dollar key-card system on only 1 door. However, within 2 days of the installation it broke as students soon realized that by merely pulling on the door with the strength of a 7th grader you could enter the school. Our principal warned that this was trespassing. Do we feel safe now!
Nothing left to say except: sorry. We tried but all efforts were fruitless. Our beloved school has 5 years left at best. We hope that one day that will change.

Guy #1: What do you call a small group of 50, maybe 60 people who all dress the same and follow the orders of f***in' crazy people?
Guy #2: Sacred Heart High School students?
Guy #1: I was thinking the Manson Family, but that works too.

by Cheesy Chowder April 14, 2020

The Sacred Six (Pt 4)

(NOTE) – The Caller can call each of the Sacred Six, with the exception of Genuswine, as Genuswine cannot be called as it is considered a normal conversation. For example, one would not interrupt a conversation to tell the person they are telling the truth, as that is absurd.

The Elaboration Approval.
After the Caller has made a correct call, the Actor then mirrors/mimics the Callers call (with the exception of the verbal component of the call) granting approval of the call, ONLY if the Actor was in fact acting. If the Actor is being Genuswine, then any negatively associated action or word can be considered a rejection for an elaboration of a call. If the Elaboration Approval is rejected, the game ends here and the Caller is looked down upon for claiming the Actor was acting, when in fact they were being Genuswine.

The Explanation.
The Caller deciphers the Actors act and attempts to recognise, identify and “call” which of the Sacred Six (excluding Genuswine) the Actor is performing. The Explanation can often be lengthy depending on the complexity and depth of the act, as the Caller must consider each of the 5 performable acts.

The Answer.
This is the completion of the game, as the Actor then reveals if what the Caller has called is correct or incorrect.

• There is no winning or losing in the Sacred Six, there is only approval, appreciation, disappointment and disgust.
• Each player can be a Caller and an Actor at any point in the game.

*After having smoked 3/5 joints*
Jake - "Bro there's only one jay left"
Nilz - "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" *whilst pointing*
Jake - *Smiles and points back approvingly*
Nilz - "Hmmm... Occasional Fuckery!!!"
Jake - "Well played you ganjster"


by The Ganjsters September 29, 2011

The Sacred Six (Pt 2)

• Jokin’ – A simple comment, statement or question that is generally called by the Caller very quickly, and is usually humorously related.

E.g. Stating to be raised by wolves.
• Testin’ – An act performed with the sole intention to test the Callers character/level of ganjed/calmness/sexuality.
E.g. The Actor may fuck up rotation by purposely taking the joint or handing the joint out of turn to test the “test subjects” calmness/level of ganj. If the subject is chill/unaware enough to disregard the fact that it is THEIR turn, then the subject has passed the test, i.e they are ganjed.
• Shannonin’ – Named after the great cockroach, Shannonin’ is used with the sole purpose to annoy the Caller.
E.g. Continual interruptions of stories, light poking, or constant verbal annoyance.
• Genuswine – When a call has been made, yet the assumed Actor is not performing any of the Sacred Six.
E.g. Saying something that is true, and being mistaken by a Caller to be one of the 5 performable acts.

(NOTE) - This is not a performable act.

*After having smoked 3/5 joints*
Jake - "Bro there's only one jay left"
Nilz - "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" *whilst pointing*
Jake - *Smiles and points back approvingly*
Nilz - "Hmmm... Occasional Fuckery!!!"
Jake - "Well played you ganjster"


by The Ganjsters September 29, 2011

Sacred Heart Catholic School

a school where every middle school teacher gets triggered 24/7 af and your child’s mentality starts worsening 6th grade year throughout their middle school years later developing into depression

Sacred Heart Catholic School could get burned down the second someone turns on the microwave in the teacher’s lounge.

by Trash_menory15 April 5, 2019