Source Code

i will dl and have a look

The person issuing the statement intends to judge the proffered material by means of first DL and then look.
There is implied in the statement the possibility of reporting back following the look.

Huge mamaries? I will DL and have a look.

by danndann1958 February 25, 2005

257๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

DLS (dirty little slut)

when you act promiscuous, petty, spiteful, overbearing, rude, or if you know someone well enough it could be used as a term of endearment

after i see someone at the club grinding on my girlfriend i say out loud "What a DLS (dirty little slut)" and the girl has no idea what a DLS is, or when i talk to my best friend online and say "Hi DLS" it's used as a friendly term because we both know what it means and we are not using it literally...

by erin davies July 13, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

I can bring in dL

The five most powerful words on Wall Street. This refers to a fictional individual "dL" who is so knowledgeable and so well known in the industry, that the claim of "bringing in" encouraging to join the organization such a person is an instant credibility boost to the claimant, a claim so remarkable that an otherwise weak person could be hired solely on said claim.

person seeing job: ...so thats what i did for the past 15 years
interviewer: your experience is mediocre, what else do you bring to the table?
person seeing job: "I can bring in dL"

by james10038 September 13, 2007

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Dirty little secret (DLS)

A kick butt forum about the show Instant Star.
Also called DLS.
located at perfect-illusions.com/is it has often been studied that once you get on you're addicted.
A place where even the non fans of the title show it's for can hang out for the love and witty bantering.

"I got on Dirty little secret (DLS) yesterday and I was on until I fell asleep at the computer!"

by Kawaii Neko_chan Angel Heart May 29, 2007

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Dirty little secret (DLS)

a forum dedicated to stalk, bash and leak content of various artists.

-Did you see the new photos up at Dirty little secret (DLS)?
-yeah man, damn those creepers sure know how to stalk!

by Johnny Manhood February 21, 2010

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The DL Indicator

A predictable way to get better prices in stock market, options and futures investing in the direction he talks about in reference going out several weeks. Do your own due diligence.

"If you had listed and used the DL Indicator you would have made $10,000 instead of lost $15,000. There is always tomorrow."

by Slanginfoguy August 12, 2024

The DL Indicator

A predictable way to get better prices in the direction he talks about in the next few weeks for stock markets, options etc. Do your own due diligence.

"If you had followed the DL Indicator you would be up $10,000 and not down $15,000. There is always tomorrow."

by Slanginfoguy August 12, 2024