a flow of blood and other material from the lining of the uterus, occurring in non-pregnant women at intervals of about 28 days between puberty and the menopause and typically lasting for a few days.
"Orion Proxima pops up once in a month and is so fucking annoying"
"I wish Orion Proxima didn't exist"
"I have to buy so many tampons so Orion Proxima can stop"
"Orion Proxima might suddenly come up to small girls between ages 11-13 and start causing them pain"
A triple middle finger, typically used to aggravate the insult. Involves both hands, in which the center "middle" finger is actually the pinky finger of one of them with the other hand's ring and pinky fingers surrounding it. Called Orion's Belt because it consists of three shining hate fingers.
Annoyed with Ben's inability to cooperate, Liam gave him an Orion's Belt.
Take one large orion penis, cut the tip off, remove erectile tissue while leaving the outer skin intact. Carefully shit into the penis and then bake at 420°C for 45 days or until the balls are tender and moist. Immediately serve to your enemies.
Hey guys, I baked you dinner! Enjoy a homemade Orion Shit Bucket, this one has extra corn!
another term for mockery of using the magical keytar, such as failing to grab one orb like 6-10 times (must be tough)
or just simply you're bad at casting magic with the magical keytar.
Onion: *Does The Orion Virtuoso Style*
me: such a majestic creature
person1: how many attempts to grab the orb exactly?
person2: probably 6-10 times because he's just that bad.