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Hotel Quincy special

In need of a birth control method and without a condom, a man wraps a plastic Wal-Mart bag around his penis and secures it with a rubber band at the base

Julia Roberts wanted it raw dog, but the bitch was in heat so I gave her the Hotel Quincy special.

by News Muse December 15, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Quincy Adams

American statesman, diplomat, lawyer and diarist.
6th President of the United States (1825-1829)

John Quincy Adams was the sixth President of the United States.

by slayert March 7, 2022

sir quincy fleet

Great intelligent horse that is amazingly nice and happy 24/7. They are the greatest horses on earth. No one would disrespect this horse. This horse's name is closest to God. You should be honored to have this horse. Usually owned by a Dale. These Dales are sexy and you would be very lucky to have a Dale and a Sir Quincy Fleet.

"Wow, who was Dale riding yesterday?"

"Oh, that was Sir Quincy Fleet. Aren't they amazing?"

by BethHRJ July 26, 2014

The West Quincy Stinky Dink

Tucking Dick and Balls into your own ass crack, then proceeding to fart on a womans boobies. Notoriously famous in West Quincy, Ma.

1. My god, I just received a West Quincy Stinky Dink, may I please have a napkin.

2. I tried to give her the West Quincy Stinky Dink, but I got her face by accident.

by Mike T and Chris T .. not related February 18, 2008

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adolph blaine charles david earl frederick gerald hubert irvin john kenneth lloyd nero martin oliver paul quincy randolph sherman thomas uncas victor william xerxes zeus wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralterwissenhaft+171

a guy

My name is:
adolph blaine charles david earl frederick gerald hubert irvin john kenneth lloyd nero martin oliver paul quincy randolph sherman thomas uncas victor william xerxes zeus wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralterwissenhaft+171

by imakeweirddefinitions March 28, 2023

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who is athletic, ambitious and talented. He will always stick with his closest friends and is a very loyal boyfriend. He is always very focused and never lets things get in the way of what he wants. He has dreams to fulfill and is always working to fulfill them. He can make mistakes but he always corrects them even with his iron will. He is smart and handsome and attracts a lot of interest from women but he has trouble managing it. He will always be there to pick you up when your down and he will never let his dream slip away.

Quincy is such a cool guy. So glad iโ€™m his friend.

by the possibility November 21, 2023


He is Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, son of Quincy, man wtf am i doing with my life

"Shadow wizard money gang, we love casting spells" - Abraham Lincoln 1860

2 "Quincy arrogant ass get shown that everything gets past his bow"

by Schizophrenic Stormtrooper January 8, 2024