when on nex, facebook, instant messenger or anything of that sort you reply to a msg and they reply back instaniously.(ex, you send it, click to refresh page and their reply is waiting for you. creepy. i know)
it oftens gives the impression that they are just sitting there refreshing the page waiting for you to reply.
woaaah, erin just insta-replied. what a loser.
omg, k insta-reply.like get a life.
Someone regardless of actual gender who misappropriates the term "reply guy" to otherwise respectful social media comments and unjustly makes someone out to be a douche-nozzle when they were really just partaking in a discussion prompted by the "Reply Gal". Reply Gals are hypocritical in the fact that they blame others for replying to a comment and instead of blocking a person they don't want to converse with make it a point to ridicule them through a reply of their own and applying other made up mockeries such as calling them "sea-lions" or "JAQass", using a response of genuine confusion as justification to further their cyber-bullying and take out misplaced anger on some innocent netizen instead of actual douche-nozzles.
I'm sorry if you're upset, but my friend's comment was not a personal attack, just a political question based on your political post so why are you being such a Reply Gal towards him?
How rednecks respond to email messages. Similar to "Reply All" for normal folk.
hey, Cletus... did you click reply yall on dat email from da familie? i wonder if dhey know you married ur first cousin... g'heccckk, g'heccckk...
To wait at least a minute before giving a minimal response to a message in order to discourage conversation. Used to avoid the guilt of completely ignoring a person.
Man 1 (9:00): Sup?
Man 2 (9:08): Sitting around.
Man 1 (9:08): Same here.
Man 1 logged off (9:12)
Man 2 thinking: thank god that reply stutter worked so quickly
When you type a reply to someone then forget to hit send yet still think you sent the message, or reply in your head while being unaware of the fact you DIDN’T actually reply
I was wondering why I wasn’t getting a response back until I realized I had done a ghost reply
when you post a cringe reply and instantly regret it
You : "I shouldn’t had made that post ..."
Your friend : "Don't worry, it's just post-replying regret, it's temporary"
A bullet reply is basically a reply that you say on social media when you really want to diss someone who said something that irritates you but you don't want to go too over the top so you don't seem too butthurt. The bullet part is an analogy, basically think of how a bullet is small but it can kill someone just fine. That's basically it, you send a reply that's not an over the top insult, but it gets the job done just fine
Person 1: Damn this guy irritated me
Person 2: Did you ignore him?
Person 1: No, it would be best to do so, but I sent him a bullet reply instead
Person 2: Good shit, that'll teach 'em