Adj. A bowl or bong pack of marijuana which is already burning and doesn't need to be lit again to obtain another hit.
"Don't light it up man, just hit the bowl it's rolling!"
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Stands for Realistic Out Loud Laughter. Everyone is throwing around LOL so often now its lost its meaning. Its 2010. LOL is out. ROLL is when you actually audibly laugh out loud.
I cant believe you puked on your girlfriend! ROLL!!
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megamans sister
rockman, roll, bass, forte, treble, and beat
Too fucking many music references
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the toilet paper that gets rubbed off when you wipe your ass and forms little rolls
after bob took a shit and wiped his ass he cleaned up the rolls off the floor
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Rhymes with 'Troll'
This word is used within Gujarati Indian households, normally by a father, or male figure within the family. It is another word for washing machine, but used in the context of physically using a washing machine. It is not a direct translation of washing machine, i.e. you would not go out to buy a 'roll'. But to load the washing machine, you would be putting on a 'roll', therefore you put the 'roll' on.
'Has anyone got any clothes to wash, i'm putting a roll on'
'When the roll is done, can you put the clothes out to dry'
Son: 'Where's my work shirt?'
Dad: 'Check the clothes airer, I did a roll this morning'
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