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Iโ€™m screen-sick from obsessively watching the 24-hour news coverage of the Covid19 pandemic.

by JMF25 March 21, 2020

Screen Age

A more current and specific denotation of the Digital Age where the use of personal computers has shifted to a prevalence of mobile touch-screen & flat screen devices.

The shift signifies a greater acceptance of digital media & communication and the desire to have access to the internet & one's personal media collection while on the go.

C'mon grandpa, get off that PC and join the Screen Age, already!

by lcritterl July 19, 2011

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text screen

1. the act of purposely ignoring ones text message (possibly because of hatred or annoyance)

Guy 1: "Damn broseff, that bitch is texting me again!"

Guy 2: "text screen that hoe then"

by THENAKEDGUITARIST August 21, 2008

side screens

Second hand weed smoke

We weren't smoking but got high from the side screens

by BajanPrincess February 16, 2017

Figure on a Screen

A step below from a friend, more like a person you talk to for shits and giggles.

Luv you are a figure on a screen while I consider John to be an actual friend.

by texasindian March 17, 2018

Screen Capping

1. To capture ones computer screen.

Used mostly when something funny appears on screen (ie funny facebook statuses, funny video chats ect.)

Wow are you reading Jenna's status? The entire football team is spamming her with Lady Gaga because she wrote Poker Face as her status I'm "screen capping" this one for the yearbook

by Jamed777 April 27, 2010

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screen rape

When somebodyy looks at your screen while playing a multiplayer videogame on the same TV. It is used mostly when you see that somebody is in your general area with your peripheral vision and you decide to go kill them by looking at their screen to see where they are. Looking at their controler also gives you the advantage of when they are going to attack. Screen rapers are often caught when your running up behiend someone and they turn around for no reason and kill you unexpectedly and use they crappy excuse that they saw you on radar.

Screen rape!! Screen raper!! You just turned around for no reason right as I went to punch you in the back.

by JT12345 July 5, 2008

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