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irish sandbag

After you have applied sand to you testicles while wearing a kilt, you tea bag your partner, while also chugging a pint of Guinness.

It was St Patricks Day and she asked me what was under my kilt, so I gave her the Irish sandbag.

by Majorleehung July 28, 2014

3👍 295👎

Dallas Dump Truck dumping Cincinnati Sandbags

After a day at the beach, dipping one's sandy testicles into another's mouth while defecating on their forehead or chest

Last night you looked like a Dallas Dump Truck dumping Cincinnati Sandbags

by Team Nave May 29, 2011

3👍 2👎


Group of men rubbing ones balls on an individuals face. Must be 5+ sets of balls.

Tina got sandbaged of so many dudes at the weekend

by Captain cappie March 20, 2016


v. Signed to a rich sports contract by an evil empire with questionable morality.


Many football stars are being sandbagged. Where will it end?

Probably Oman.

by gnostic3 July 5, 2023


The act of inserting your balls into another persons anus.

Hey Dude, what did you get up to last night?

Hey man, i hooked up with this loose assed slag called Chris. He's really into sandbagging.

by Daddy Prepper Pig December 20, 2020


Sandbagging is where a man has sex on a beach or other sandy location

Andy sandbagged her on the beach. “Craig” what did you and Rachel do last night? Andy” just a bit of gentle sandbagging whilst listening to the waves”

by Mystikal 234 January 20, 2021


usually occurs in a corporate setting, where one provides negative value to a work/company environment by doing no work but getting paid. purposeful time wasting, Can be used as a verb “sandbagging”, or used as an adjective to describe oneself "sandbagger"

Ex1: ‘Dude, can you believe that intern? All he does is Sandbag. Dude takes 45 minute out of office lol.


Bob: ‘Hey Chad, can you send over the documents I requested from Monday?’

Chad: ‘Dude it’s only Thursday, expect those docs next Monday.’

Bob: ‘Stop sandbagging!!’

Chad: ‘Suck my ***, my manager thinks i’m doing great. He told me in my mid year review’

by corporatedude July 27, 2023