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beautiful, smart,brutally honest and doesnt take shit from anyone. Loves braclets,unusual people, and 70s music but not the 70s. Hates popular people, jocks, blond sluts basically everything I used to love. Shes the girl you never get the guts to talk or ask out because she hates your guts. I love this girl.

person 1: Sarahs a bitch she talks shit about us in the paper.
me: maybe she wouldnt if there wasnt so much shit about us to talk about
person 1: maybe

by jock in love (how ironic) September 1, 2008

778πŸ‘ 392πŸ‘Ž


A girl who gives the impression of a tough tomboy in order to hide her true self. Usually, Sarah's are very musical and extremely theatrical. Because they are so theatrical, you can never know everything about them(they might assure you that you know every last detail of their life, but they might never truly mean it).

Wow! Sarah is a great actress. I wonder if she really means what she's saying...

by musiclover17 November 18, 2009

219πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž


sarah. she is amazing. like truely amazing. without a sarah in your life, your life is incomplete. she is absolutely stunning!! she doesnt know it and is usually hard on herself. she is reserved infront if those she doesn’t really know but crazy in front of her really best friends. she is 100% trustworthy and you can tell her anything. she is like a keepsafe and would never tell anyone. when she is upset she usually walks behind the rest of the group in order to not bring anyone else’s mood down. if you know a sarah, get to know her!! she is a diamond

which is constantly shining. sarahs usually take many comments to heart and listens to everyone. a sarah is an absolute gem xx

sarah is beautiful i want to know her!!

by sometimes i eat cherries February 21, 2018

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A name for a girl who does not have much confidence. Everyone around her tells her she is very bright and a great singer but she just denies it humbly. She is a little on the nerdy side but is very sweet. However, if you piss her off, she will not go down without a fight. She stands up for what she believes in.

Boy: Hi Sarah
Sarah: Oh hi there
Boy: it's so strange how she hardly talks

by Sup boi February 23, 2017

44πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A girl that is really cool, can be somewhat hyper, but is really pretty. Sarah's always stand out. Very smart and has high expectations.

Means princess in Hebrew.

"She is cool! What is her name?"

by apersonhaha September 3, 2011

34πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful girl with lots of talent. Athletic, musical, smarts, and beauty. A Sarah will go far in life. Others envy Sarahs because they are the total package. Usually short, sexy and popular. Known for being outgoing and funny. Tons of friends, and they date alot of guys. Usually a happy kind of gal. Great at anything they put thier minds to.

Do you know Sarah?

Of coarse who doesn't!?!

by knowledgeiskey July 19, 2011

38πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Originally named Sarai, The Lord renamed her Sarah, meaning princess, after she had married Abraham. Sarah became the mother of Isaac and through Isaac the grandmother of Jacob, who God renamed Israel. Sarah is therefore one of the ancestors of all of the Israelites, and of Jesus Christ. In God's Own Words:

"And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her." (Genesis 17:15-16)

"I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her"

Sarah was about ten years younger than her half-brother Abraham (they had the same father, but different mothers, see Genesis 20:12). They were married before they left Ur, located in what is today southern Iraq (i.e. both Abraham and Sarah were Iraqi, an incredible irony considering the state of Middle East tensions today) for a journey, under The Lord's guidance, to a new land that would become the focus of God's plan of salvation for all of humanity (Genesis 11:29-31).

When Abraham and Sarah remained childless into their old age, Sarah took it upon herself to have children through a surrogate, her Egyptian handmaid Hagar. Sarah made the arrangement despite the Lord's earlier promise to Abraham that he would have children through Sarah (see Genesis 17:15-16, quoted above). The result of Sarah's initiative with Hagar was that Hagar also had a son of Abraham, Ishmael, who became the progenitor of many of the Arab people of today. The family conflict between Sarah and Hagar, and their sons Isaac and Ishmael, never ended; the struggle between them continues to this very day.

Sarah lived to the age of 127 years (the only female in written Bible History in which her age at death is recorded) and died at Hebron, southwest of Jerusalem.

Other spellings include: Sara and Sera from what I've seen, but we all know the correct way of spelling it *wink* *wink* Thanks......Sarah~~*

*~~Sarah in Hawaiian is pronounced "Kala" also meaning princess~~*

by Im yo pusha October 10, 2006

4433πŸ‘ 2463πŸ‘Ž