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scooby doo this crap

the worst joke to ever be made

guy 1: Scooby doo this crap!
guy 2: shut the fuck up.

by sal1234 November 23, 2021

Scooby Doo Legs

When you are running so fast and can't slow down that your legs start swinging out to the sides in circles like in Scooby Doo

I starting running down the steep hill and before I knew it I lost control of my speed and got Scooby Doo Legs.

by LoGaN April 4, 2014

Scooby Doo Soccer

One of the best ways to distract yourself from intense learning and deep focus whilst provoking deep thought; Scooby Doo Soccer is a metaphorical symbol that invokes distrust from the teacher to the student.

Teacher: Alright class, time to go to the land of canvas and begin your digeri-doos. Keep your phones away in your fanny packs, back packs, cargo pockets or cargo shorts.
Student: *playing on cool math games*

Teacher: What are we doing over here? Scooby Doo Soccer?


Teacher: You have until Monday to complete your research graphic organizer, make sure to have 3 reliable sources and a question, inquiry, and wondering for each. You only have 3 more class days to finish this, so lets MAKE SURE that we ARENT PLAYING any SCOOBY DOO SOCCER. Okay? We don't have time to be goof balls and loafers. *laser eyes*

by Hampsterkeed February 25, 2023

Scooby Doo On Em

To dip out or disappear, know one knows where you are.

Tim: Where did fred go?

John: Oh he scooby dooed on em.

Tim: Scooby Doo on em?

John: Yeah he disappeared bro

by KnowMadd7 December 28, 2021

scooby-doo stream

and imaginary stream

dream: u stupid fucking scooby-doo stream

by swagatron4lyf April 15, 2021

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the scooby doo treatment

When a mixed-gender group of teen-aged friends or relatives enters a hotel and the innkeeper automatically assumes that their rooms will be gender-segregated. May also apply to people staying at a private residence.
Originates from the consistency seen in hotel check-ins by the gang in the Scooby Doo cartoons.

It took so long to get checked in because even though Shauna & I and Sam & Charlotte are couples, the desk clerk gave us the scooby doo treatment.

by gonna pop you one August 5, 2007

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Scooby Doo Me

To request to have sex doggie style

He baby I want you to Scooby Doo Me!

by Big John S January 25, 2013

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