The day a boy wears a girls srunchie all day
Girl: here my Scrunchie
Boy: it smells lie
Girl: awe
a fantastic hair tye for all types of texture hair , or you could wear it on your wrist and wear it like a bracelet if you spot it it will look like a big hair tye with ribbons
A scrunchie is an 80s/90s accessory that is often worn around the wrist to compliment an outfit. Along with this, however, a girl might give a guy her scrunchie to indicate that she likes him and wants him to wear it so he is reminded of her when they are not together. As a symbol of love, it can also be worn by a girl's boyfriend to indicate to other girls that he is "taken" or has a girlfriend.
"That scrunchie must be from his girlfriend..."
Some stupid ass hair tie vsco girls use but should be choked out with
Vsco girl: I have like 57837973 scrunchies 🤡
E-girl: 57837973 things to choke your dumbass out with
An accessory vsco girls use save the turtles and no plastic they wear the scrunchie on their wrist or on the hair sksksks and I opp and I opp
Do you like my scrunchies want one I have 1;00000000000 you can have some sksksks and I oop and I oop no plastic 🐢
You’ve heard of scrunchie for vsco sksksksk now crunchie scrunchie is WAY better it has more crunch to it
“Hey did I show you the crunchie scrunchie I got”
Ooh she has her scrunchie on her right arm she’s taken
Scrunchie on right