Source Code

counter-strike: source

The more fun and graphically better version of the popular "Terrorist vs. Counter-Terrorist" online FPS Counter-Strike or CS.This newer version utilizes the Half-life 2 engine with physics and better graphics.The older version will probably stop being updated and this newer one will be seeing new maps and other better cool features.

Go and buy it and find out what its like

by Gary strang April 7, 2005

186๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

counter strike source

A completly new game engine to the original sierra engine. Better grahpics, physics, and all new bump maping. All weapons remained the same, and some argue weather the game play is better, worse or the same.

Counter strike Source is better! Worse! Who Cares!!! ITS FUN!

by sam mcneil October 6, 2006

154๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

open source software

Software available in source code form. Source code and other rights are that usually are reserved for copyright holders are provided under a free software licence that lets people study, improve, change and distribute the software

James Gosling: "I invented Java, one of the most prominent open source software to date! Everyone try and do stuff to it!"

Everyone: Woohooooo! Programming is a blast! We love to tinker with Java!"

by Shmenson January 31, 2012

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

counter-strike: source

counter-strike: source is the latest version of counter-strike to this day. Instead of the mod being based off half-life engine, it is based off the half-life 2 engine. (the source engine) hints the name. it has way better graphics then 1.6 and down with the same game play. VAC 2 should get rid of the hackers which will make the game even better.

admin deals with hacker:
Here comes the slap to the slay to the ban,
That haxor, you shoulda seen how he ran.
"Oh please admin, gimme one more chance!"
"Shut the fuck up and get up and dance!"

by amish-dq March 14, 2005

84๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

day of defeat source

Newest version of day of defeat. Which has become a sign that valve doesnt care about the community

A total failure of day of defeat and its community

randomguy:day of defeat source sucks.

by LinkS December 22, 2005

90๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

build from source

Building from source is the process of compiling a program from it's source code. Most commonly done on GNU/Linux systems, rarely Windows or Mac.

Compilation is the process of building an application into an executable from it's code. Depending on the program, it can take hours to compile a complex application.

Since there isn't any packages available, you have to build from source.

by WhoAteMyButter May 26, 2018

counter-strike: source

To date, Counter-Strike: Source has proven to be the best place for 12 year olds to prove they are better than you at life and that they screw your mom and that you're a complete flaming homosexual failure because his character shot you in the head and he screamed 'PWNT'. 'CSS' gives hopeless people hope in the fact that you can be good at nothing, not put any effort into real life development, not have a job, not be the least bit intelligent, not have any sort of education or training or skills for a job, not have a job, still live with your parents at 35, be a retarded stoner, not have a job, and still appear superior to everyone else because he has 9000 kills, 0 deaths and 1 latency. conversely, i love counter-strike source.


Life: You're still a failure.

by lingojac February 23, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž