Stoney Creek Highschool, is a school know for its crackhead students. Hence the name, 'Stoner Crack High school'. Its in a nice part of Rochester Michigan, where the traffic is insane, but at least you get a 'good education'. This is a place where teachers, *fake cough* Mr.Duffy *fake cough*, will have sex with a student and be gone for the whole year leaving your students to fend for theirselves. A place where the furries from hart middle school come and bark and piss all over the school, because they want to 'find their mate', and 'mark their territory'. A place where the students believe it's okay get school cancelled and send a bomb threat, just for the fun of it😋
Stoney creek highschool, is gonna be next! -xoxo Gossip Girl
A motherfucking young rapper from the southeast who can always be found if you follow the smell of za
Aye have you heard Stoney loner’z music?