Source Code

Poop Swap

When one or more individuals take a poop log, and swap it into each-others butt holes. In this process, the poop travels from the makers but into the next individuals butt hole. Invented in the Cave Man ages as a way to have fun with feces, this technique has been around for ages. Poop Swamping was used in the early ages to prevent colon cancer, and is prescribed by doctors today!

Poop Swapping is proven to clean the anus.

Johnny Bova and some of his friends decided they wanted to Poop Swap behind the school after hours.

by c0maVT January 15, 2010

18👍 6👎

swap sauces

To have a sexual lesbian encounter

I would love to see Katie and Camryn Swap Sauces one day

by AtomicNarc August 11, 2015

Skittle Swap

Skittle Swap is a game, usually played at parties where there are lots of single people, or people that just want an excuse to pash. It involves putting a Skittle in your mouth, and someone else putting a different coloured Skittle in their mouth, and you pash until you manage to swap the Skittles.

(At a Party)
Geogre: I'm So Bored.
Danica: Me Too.
Angus: Hey, You Two Wanna Play Skittle Swap?
George: Yeah Sure I Haven't Had a Pash Since 3rd Grade

by WolfmotherLover December 18, 2008

Sloppy Swap

The act of defecating in someone’s asshole, then having your partner proceed to expel their bowels.

Do you want to get crazy tonight and sloppy swap with me?

by Gbeans February 25, 2020

Engine Swap

To pull a internal combustion engine from its original vehicle and put another in its place.

Pulling a V6 from a sports car and putting a V8 in it instead, would be considered a engine swap

by 3.4Lto5.7LSwapCamaro June 5, 2012


When a company (or really anybody) does a Massive Bait-and-Switch where they show you something that Looks amazing with great graphics and features, and then you buy it, thinking it would be like that, and the product was Downgraded, streamlined, and is Nothing like they promised upon release. Fallout 76 is a great example, as well as Watchdogs and Many Ubisoft titles with graphics-downgrade scandals. Thus, the Ubisoft-Swap is when a product that was shown to you is significantly changed, most often Reduced in quality the day they sell it to you.

Gamer 1: "dude did you see that Watchdogs E3 demo with all the amazing weather and lighting effects? That looks amazing!"
Gamer 2: "That's an Ubisoft-Swap man. There's no way it will look like that and don't buy it before you compare it."
Release: See Gamer 2 response.

FO76: "It will have all New weather, lighting, and landscape Technology."
Release: "Well, we didn't 'lie.' it is all New, right? It's a New game, so we didn't 'lie' to you."
Sane Gamers (99%): "Are you serious? We were Betrayed and Ubisoft-Swapped!"

Anthem E3 Demo: "WOAH! This looks amazing! amazing weather, graphics, guns, gameplay, So Many things that are like Cool!!"
Release: "WTH is this? I've been Ubisoft-Swapped!"

by MCPKG October 25, 2019

Swapping data

To exchange genetic material/DNA with another, typically in the form of bodily fluids through an erotic act.

Sorry I didn't get you back bruh, was swapping data with that THOT.

by lexemes_and_memes September 21, 2018