Julie Easton is a diabolical shit taker this 5’2” 120lb woman can plug any toliet even NASA’s.
“ The diabolical shit taker has done it again somebody call Beacon it’s freakin plugged.”
A taker is any individual that is part of the 47% of Americans who pay zero federal income taxes...and then votes over and over for the party that is most likely to increase taxes (ie. take even more earned property) on the 53% who DO pay federal income taxes. These folks also do not have a hint of appreciation, or guilt in their hearts, rather they call you selfish if you don't agree to pay more, and give it to them. Of course this is all due to the King Enabler of Bad Behavior, the Federal Government...the gvmt is close to acheiving their goal (48.5% of all Americans now receive some kind of federal assistance), to have as many people rely on the government as possible. This same entity is the primary reason for the suffering that is happening, all other blame is marginal, and is not the source...in fact, sometimes one may think the it's intentional.
Yeah, I know, sucks Billy is a Taker (Moocher), it's sad...not sure if he realizes that his behavior is rather embarrassing and certainly not a tentant of any anything moral. Maybe some day he will contribute something to society, instead of being a net negative overall to society, all the while he continues blaming others for his bad behavior and his position in life.
person who loves anime and K-pop the same
I love BTS´s but I love SAO too, Do you think am I a k-taker?
A scene in film, shot in one continuous take without any cuts interupting it.
Also known as: Oner
Sam Mendes' film 1917, had One-takers of 6 minutes. Roger Deakins sure did a good job on that one.
The film 1917 received an academy award for best cinematography. It's probably because of its long One-takers.
Said in Fortnite when people have such low ping that they are able to take your wall because they can put a wall down faster than you because their ping is so much lower.
That fucken Pennsylvanian wall taker probably has -10 ping.
A person who takes down posters. Mostly shobe posters.
poster taker downer is ree
When a chick gets ran through in highschool so you wait in line for your turn
Akash Singh aka (Cash money) is a sloppy 100 taker finally puts his Johnson inside a cum filled trash bag.