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The coolest in the room is called a firecracker.

"Look at Emma, she's so cool, I'm happy that I know her. And she's hot as fire. She's a Firecracker."

by 8610 August 15, 2022


Used to describe a woman whose sex can be described as a one time thing because it was best the first time.

Chick’s a firecracker. One good bang and that was it. Find something else bro.

by Dino245 November 4, 2017

rusty firecracker

When an old man fills a woman up with cum in every hole at once

Chav: yo shitboomer you owe moses £5
Old man:well your mom let me do the rusty firecracker for a pack of crisps

by shithead cameron May 16, 2014

Evolved Firecracker

An evolution of a common card in the game clash Royale. This card is typically used by transgender pansexual intersexual males from California although it can also be used by dumbass scumbags who most respectable people simply refer to as "gays". Most of these "gays" are p***ssies who are superv*rgins (they have never even felt the touch of a women before) who thrive off making free to play players desinstall the game. They also will refuse to leave their bed unless its for gems or for their 48th greasy ahh hamburger they are consuming in order to maintain their 1000 pound build

Person 1: How did you know I have no friends, love men, and am a broke ass loser?

Person 2: Because I knew your b***** ass maxed out your mom's credit card to buy gems for the evolved firecracker

by Likderoses April 30, 2024

The Firecracker

When you stick a molotov cocktail and a firework in your urethra and engage in intercourse with someone, then when you unload, it detonates the firework and the molotov shatters inside.

"Yeah, my and my girl did The Firecracker last night. I think she's unhappy.

by not_imallexxlads December 31, 2021

Mississippi Firecracker

A sex position in which an individual fists another, then opens and closes their fist once deep inside.

I gave Kyle the ol' Mississippi Firecracker last week; he hasn't walked straight since!

by TacoRising August 11, 2023


When you eat to much Taco Bell and end up shitting so much you shit fire

Dude, I was stuck on the toilet last night because of my firecrack and now my butthole hurts. Too bad I can't do a yoshi plug

by Yoshiplug69 November 21, 2014