Source Code

McKenna Shuffle

The McKenna Shuffle is a rare move but exhibits the epitome of shading and/or bitching out from a social drinking scene. In actuality, the McKenna Shuffle involves one "just not feeling it" anymore, either because he or she is a pussy and/or a member of the fake drinking club. In rare instances, there have been examples of one vomiting on their own shirt before performing the McKenna Shuffle. Similar to the stealthness involved in the puma crawl, the McKenna Shuffle involves one taking a quick look around the see if he or she is being noticed by anyone, which is usually unnecessary because the caliber of person performing the McKenna Shuffle would usually not have anyone noticing them anyway. After taking a quick glance, the shuffler proceeds to sneak out of the scene, without saying a word to anyone and hoping to go completely unnoticed. The act of the McKenna Shuffle is usually identified by his or her peers first thing in the morning. Although it's official name is the McKenna Shuffle, this unique move also can be known as the McKenna Mosey, the Chick Chase, the Derr Dip, or simply the Houdini.

Ex: 1

Noble: "Alright I'm heading back guys, see you later."

McKenna Shuffler: "....." (not saying anything while sneaking out behind Noble)

Ex. 2

Mike: "Has anyone seen McKenna?"

Everyone: Looks around, shrugs their shoulders, then figures he must have done the McKenna Shuffle and bounced without saying anything to anyone.

by blueballz06 September 2, 2008

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mckenna susan brosz

She is a beautiful amazing and sweet person. She is very strong on the inside but if you get her talking she breaks down and will tell you about her life. McKenna Susan Brosz is a blessing to this world and if you ever find her you’re extremely lucky so keep her held close to your heart and never let her go

McKenna Susan Brosz is gorgeous.

by Truthteller1901 December 13, 2019

Zoie McKenna Parker

The baddest bitch

Zoie McKenna Parker walks in the room and everybody stops and stares

by Zpower October 19, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mckenna Nims

The bestest person in the world. Loves soccer. Very popular and pretty. Loves her friends and is not afraid to do crazy things. A MCKENNA NIMS is always funny and entertaining. She loves feel happy!!!

Wow look at that McKenna Nims. She has some real swag.

by Kgcookiemonster March 19, 2013

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mckenna russell

Sexiest motherfucking gnome there ever was

That's one hot mckenna russell, I'd like to stick her in my lawn.

by Macdaddydaddy December 11, 2016

Henry Mckenna

Is a popular straight Kentucky bourbon first bottled in the early 1980s. It was bottled in bond and is 100 proof. Very sought after by whiskey enthusiasts and snobby people.

Hey young blood why don’t you give your uncle Charlie a little nip of that Henry Mckenna ?

by Western Tunesmith February 25, 2021


McKenna is one of the best people to be around. She's kind, creative, smart, sarcastic, hilarious, and usually a pretty big grammar police. If you know a McKenna, NEVER let her go. She's such a hard worker, never behind on anything. She's productive, always busy, and cares a lot about others. She may be quiet at first, but super friendly once you get to know her. If a McKenna is your friend now, she'll be your friend forever.

Friend: Ugh I have a lot of missing work I need to catch up on.
McKenna: Oh, I don't think I have any, can I help you with it?
Friend: Yeah that would be great.
McKenna: I only have an hour though, then I have to get to excel class.
Friend: I wish I was as smart as you. Then I wouldn't have so many missing work.
McKenna: Yes, because "So many missing work" is a correct sentence.
Friend: Haha whatever. Think you could help after school?
Mckenna: Oh, sorry I have a Softball tournament.
Friend: Oh that's fine. Thanks for helping me today at all!
McKenna: Of course. What are friends for?

by bunny the load June 1, 2021