So if you really wanna fye a nigga up you gotta tell the bitch nigga eat dick (A very dirty 1 wit 25 stds) wit his dead motha response might be “she’s alive tho” no nigga she’s dead eat a fukin dick wit ya dead motha in the deep realms of hell wit ya big titty auntie and drunk ass uncle dancin gettin in the background tortured by a Nigga wit a spiked dildo BATCH! Batch is also a more disrespectful way of sayin bitch
Hoehay Eat a dick wit ya dead motha in the deep realms of hell Retarded ass faggot. Yeah shut the fuk up BATCH!
An open world RPG being made by Once Lost Games, game studio headed by the original creators of The Elder Scrolls along with many other people.
Hey did you see the new trailer for the wayward realms?
Beautiful Ultimate Really Never Ending Realm (BURNER), is an object show made by Sacri.
"do you know what burner is"
"Beautiful Ultimate Really Never Ending Realm (BURNER), is an object show made by Sacri."
"thank you for informing me about what burner is"
"you're welcome"
An open world RPG being made by Once Lost Games, game studio headed by the original creators of The Elder Scrolls along with many other people. They have a discord known as the council of wisdom that you can find a link to on most of their videos and on their website.
Did you see The Wayward Realms teaser trailer?
A synonym for amazed, wow'd while in more of a context of a psychedelic way.
Person 1: Dude what if we live in 4d and we just can't see it
Person 2: Bro you are opening my third eye. You don't realize how realmed I am!
3rd person rapist made by No water games.
Made for gay ass niggas who think horses are the boss
He's literally realm royale
A message board designed to making stupid, filthy n00bs feel like they're good, and a place where lives are wasted. (Cosmo)
The Hobbie Realms is constructed on the formation of sweating the nuts of "the Big 4" and felching much ass.