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job security

An excuse that douchebags use when they make a mess after a janitor or custodian has just cleaned something up. The logic behind it is that the cleaner has nothing better to do with their life, so if you don't make a mess, they will have nothing to do and will lose their job.

He just mopped the floor. Quit hacking loogies all over the place.
I know he mopped it. Job security.

by therealGodWarrior July 20, 2012

7👍 2👎

blacked at security

when you're extremely faded

"bruh I'm boutta black at security tonight"
She was blacked at security after that loko.

by drunk/high March 30, 2019

security alert

Sun: Security Alert, Security Alert WOOWOOWOOWOO

Sun: Security Alert, Security Alert WOOWOOWOOWOO

by Stashicittyoshi May 24, 2022

File secured

Securing the file.

File secured simply means saving any media (audio, video or image) that contains any content one or more of your friends find embarrassing to them.

There are many reasons why one may want to secure a file , but the most common is for future use (for example getting back at someone for something they did , or to bring up years later in front of their family)

"Did you see the picture of Jessica from last night's party? I'll send it to you."
"Thanks, File secured."

by heylookitsriceboy October 7, 2018

Security Deposit

When you buy your boyfriend anything just so you can wear it too

Person 1:I’m getting my boyfriend a sweater but just so I can wear it
Person 2:So it’s security deposit

by Teghh November 27, 2019

Security Council

Ahorjan, he is not a member of the security council… HE IS THE SECURITY COUNCIL!

I’m friends with Ahorjan.

Oh so you’re friends with the security council?

by Who is the Security Council? November 15, 2022

security cat

defender of the office, both from threats internal and external

Security Cat issued an office-wide memorandum on proper coffee-making etiquette.

by Security Cat July 16, 2015