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Booze Bruise

(n.) - a name for any mysterious bruise obtained during a night of heavy drinking

"Whoa, what happened to you?"
"I don't remember, but it looks like I fell down stairs or something!"
"Ah, must be a booze bruise."

by BoozeBruise March 15, 2015

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bruise wednesday

not disimilar (I imagine), to kill tuesday but ends at 8am after falling down some stairs, with scuffed elbows for all concerned and means coming up with explainations that said scuffs are not carpet burns. the preceding evening usually starts with wearing clothes of the opposite gender.

there's no way I can make it to the orchid convention tomorrow 'cause it looks like tonights gonna be bruise wednesday.

by dave frank February 14, 2004

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Bruised Turd

the state of looking so bad that you just don't look like shit but worse. You look like a turd that has been through the ringer; beat up; abused.

Example Person 1: This has been the week from hell!

Example Person 2: Gosh Diane, I can totally tell you look like a bruised turd.

Example Person 1: Thanks Cindy...

by T-Floss February 4, 2011

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Bruise taint

When someone lifts there ball sack and someone else smacks them on there taint (gooch).

dude last night Sandra got kinky and gave me a bruise taint

by Josh n florida January 29, 2011

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bruised banana

when a male is masterbating and he went to hard at jacking off so he has a bruised penis

dude I got a bruised banana from jacking off last night

by Sam the man with ham February 4, 2017

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kentucky ass bruise

A series of scratches from the ass crack flairing up and out likes rays of Kentucky sunshine. Usually found on children too young to know better

My nephew keeps scratching at his ass crack under his diaper. If he doesn’t stop it will give him a Kentucky ass bruise like he’s shitting an asterisk.

by Cor Riversprite March 10, 2019

bruise knee bitch

A man or woman who spends all their time on their knees they love sucking dick . Their idea of getting ahead .

Man Tammy is such a bruise knee bitch.

Bob is just a bruise knee bitch dose he have knee pads .

by MARKS BABY August 7, 2017

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