A guy who is a GRADE A SIMP. He simps woman all the time, until then he can't get a woman. He is also known to jerk off to fortnite characters and Traps on the internet. Is a good Discord boyfriend (or a girlfriend ;)
"Oh my god that gandalf gangster kid is gay"
The art of talking out of your arse and lying about every single thing. It is also the art of heavily breathing down a microphone regardless of how many times someone asks you to stop.
Someone says - "My grandad blew away in a tent"
One is to respond with - "that is bullshit. You are gandalfing"
The act of receiving it up the ass and squeezing your anus shut so hard that the tip of the penetrator is severed, whilst announcing "you shall not pass"
Gerald thought that Gandalfing his best friend would be a way to spice up their relationship.
Gandalf and dragon is when a. Man. -Ejaculates- into a womens mouth she then spits the -ejaculation- into his -rectum- the -male- then -farts- it back into her mouth then -sawllows-
John asked Francesca for a gandalf & dragon-
A sexier Gandalf or a way to refer to a sexy male (regardless of your gender)
Yo obi wan (revenge of the sith) obi wan is a big dick Gandalf
Wimpy ass fucking bitch. 1 cm cock. No bitches. Gets no head either. He do got a big ass tho
“Yo Small Gandalf is such a pussy I swear”
“I know right!”