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Muffin Top Doyle

1) The disease a person may contract while having sex on an airplane. It comes from exposing your genitals around the high density of methane.
2) The direction the toilet swirls down the drain in Australia.

1) Marlyn joined the mile-high club on the trip to Phoenix, but three weeks later she discovered Muffin Top Doyle on her labia majora. It required laser surgery to remove the cyst.
2) Joey was so interested in the Muffin Top Doyle when he was done with his dump that he inadvertently produced some Dingoberries. Fortunately the tour guide was experienced with his outback.

by Hot Bitch 769 March 16, 2008

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upside down muffin top

to have a large muffin top that looks like a snack

damn Rainer your upside down muffin top is lookin like a snack today

by adimula October 10, 2018

muffin-top syndrome

the extremely horrifying, unattractive disease (not a medical disease) when a woman or man tried to squeeze into a pair of pants three sizes too small for them, resulting in the overflow of flab, rolls, junk and extra skin over the top of the pants.

warning: may cause heart failure (to the person witnessing it)

"haha hey check out that lady... shes like 10 pounds overweight and looks like shes comin down with a little muffin-top syndrome. ew!"

by go_fish January 28, 2010

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MLM: multi-level muffin top

Happens usually at the beach and renaissance fairs where heavier set women wear tight tops and have spill over on the top and stomach areas. So not only a gut in front, but a fair share of maybe back fat is peaking through the top.

Frank - That chick should not be wearing that corset top. She is over 300 pounds.

Cavy - I know, she is definitely suffering from MLM: multi-level muffin top.

by manic cavy July 24, 2010

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Muffin top Monday

When you have alot of fluff in the waist and your pants are too tight

Damn she bent over and it was muffin top monday

by Warcat March 17, 2020

Muffin topping

When someone takes a top of a muffin, places it Over top of a ass whole and the person farts the muffin top into the others mouth.

Yo me and Sam went muffin topping together last week, had a godly time.

by Top muffin topper December 3, 2019

Muffin Top

The fat bit that overflows over the top of your pants. Despite what the other definitions are trying to tell you, muffin tops are adorable, and if you have one: I love you.

*someone posts a pic of a chubby girl*
"She has a muffin top, very soft looking, would hug her."

by pplatonic February 15, 2022