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a word used for any describing word. use context clues to figure out the definition

person 1: "I got a 90 on my test"
person 2: "That's urb, dude"
person 3: "I got a 13%.."
person 4: "thats urb"

by zazalaza May 25, 2024


You accidentally pressed enter when typing urban dictionary and now you're here.

*google search*


"whoops! oh hey urban dictionary is still there, nice."

by Orangutanslap March 10, 2021

Urb Loop

A total copy of Wiki Loop. To spend longer than 1 hour on Urban Dictionary, looking at the word of the day.

"I can't believe i just got Urb Looped for 8 days . I got to word of the day... 10 years ago."

by whyiseverynameused? September 8, 2021