A person recording a video in the hopes of posting it online - and it going viral. Whatever is being recorded is altogether unexceptional - it is the one recording that will act as a catalyst to the extraordinary happening. That very content will range from innocent amusing content, to the malicious intent of incriminating whoever is being filmed; often caught in the heat of the moment - acting in ways they normally wouldn't. The viral baiter will more-often-than-not "bait" by antagonizing, mocking, or ridiculing the subject - all in the hopes to provoke a response. The viral baiter is motivated by views and "likes", and that can run mutually with social justice - to expose imperfection as they see it.
"I know what you're trying to do viral baiter. I'm not falling for your viral bait. Go viral baiting elsewhere!"
someone that i used 2 know: pfft the penis went viral!
me: ph?
someone i used 2 know: NO! Cocomelon!
me: :flushed:
woah that viral penis has 200k views!
Something Kendrick Lamar says in his song Humble.
If I quit this season, I still be the greatest, funk...
My left stroke just went viral
Right stroke put lil' baby in a spiral...
a Stage Mom of the digital age Pushy, obnoxious, crazy mothers who force their kids to act, model & do stupid shit on Vine. Usually turning them into emotionally scared adults. who end up on Dr. Phil.
You: I just got 5k followers!
Viral Mom: My 3 year old has more followers than you... =\_(°°)_/= WUT?
A virus with the characteristics of being (a) fake as your mother in laws tiddys (b) as big as the mask it will take to cover Derek's triple chins and nose at the same time deeming it effective and (c) as contagious as Wade's bullshit
Derek has federal state viral respiratory infection (fsvri), at least his imagination works- too bad he doesn't.
a term to describe the phenomenon of how easy it is to become viral in 2021. this widespread phenomena occurs in large part due to the growing number of people both creating and consuming content on social media platforms, compared to five years ago.
while it's a natural progression of our collective societal attention, the social ramifications should also be considered. one of those being, an appalling number of people are blending their online personas with their everyday realities. while at the forefront, this is harmless. we'll only be able to really dissect the affects of this cultural shift in about ten years, when more of the masses have rejected aspects of their waking real lives for the cultivation of an online persona.
overall, people should just remember real life can be just as fulfilling as the online content they both make and consume. mindful meditation and designated introspection time should be prioritized.
Josh: yo can you believe this 13 year old has 17k + followers on tiktok? that's a big number.
Jared: perhaps in 2010, that would have been impressive. but everyone and their cat has a tiktok account. I have 5 accounts right now. and im following that content creator on two of them. hopefully there's no social ramifications of our society's rapid shift towards a social media driven culture.
Josh: oh sorry, I couldn't hear that last part. I was just using 75% of my last paycheck to make this one tiktok. you know I have 50k subscribers on my YouTube channel? all I do is post mushrooms with aesthetic music in the background.
Jared: while your personal expression is definitely worth celebrating, you should also recognize it's laissez-faire virality. don't go to insane lengths for the internet clout. remember who you were before you posted the mushroom videos.
Josh: you're just jealous that I'm a content creator. all you do is meditate all day.
Jared: the other day you said you'd buy Elon musk's brain implant to stream your lofi beats more efficiently.
Josh: im buying it on credit. so what?
this is when someone records a viral post and doesnt include the original creator of the post that went plasma viral, and steal all their content. the punishment is the worst death possible instantly. otherwise the creator dont mind you making him more famous and loving him, but if no one knows its him, whats the point?
he wanted to steal that guy content so he would get rich instead of him and make him homeless and die, what a plasma viral law breaker.