Verb: a stripper's ability to see in dimly lit areas, on the verge of seeing in the dark.
Watch out for that bitch's stripper vision.
When your vision is not as good as usual from drinking, so you find people you would not usually find attractive, attractive.
Dylan: "why did you hookup with that guy?"
Sue: "I had drunk vision! Blame it on the alcohol."
When a person spends a long time at sea ,and begin to find ugly people attractive.
Man i must have a bad case of sailor vision, cause she didn't look hot before.
When someone hasn't got laid in a while, their vision is said to become "Poonaramic". A typical symptom of poonaramic vision is when everything they see reminds them of their lack of action.
Dude 1 - "Look at Michael, hes fully gone insane, going for everything and anything"
Dude 2 - "I know man, his lack of action has resulted in Poonaramic Vision"
when someone gets so mad that they have a special form of tunnel vision, that all they see is the person and/or people that made them anger
Person A: I can't believe that guy I called gay didn't see his car getting towed.
Person B: Yeah he had complete anger vision.
In the 90s it was the term used to describe the viewing of premium porn channels that your parents had not purchased, characterized by plenty of audio and a severe lack of video, thanks to the jammed signals.
My parents grounded me when they caught me trying to watch squiggle vision this past Friday night.
A boy that likes the song break from Toronto and gets rejected by every girl.
Don’t be a loser or a Ips vision.