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Term to describe a pair of enormous tits

Yo bro, you see that bitch over there? She’s got some warlocks

by hitemwitityuh December 20, 2019


in Fresno it's just a group of assholes

these WARLOCKS are assholes

by The Guy u want 2 know March 21, 2022


a molester of souls and adults that belive they never get caught

I know a warlock he is that way carma will catch up sooner or later

by The Guy u want 2 know March 19, 2022


A 55 plus 55 word syntax of witchcraft used for positive and negative purposes.


by Ghetto man September 3, 2021


Ok, like a Karen but he lives in his mom's basement, is overweight, with facial hair and also long hair but without a driver's license because that is just a way for "the government to keep tabs on you".

Knows all the answers to the problems in the world, answers that somehow eluded all the sober, hardworking millions of people in the world and he tells you such answers while he is smoking weed on his break from his job in the warehouse at Walmart.

My warlock friend reckons red m and m's give you cancer.

by Nerd Flanders January 17, 2022


Sum huge tits

Hot chick with huge tits:….
A king: Yooo those are sum amazing warlocks

by @rockstarbikerchain March 4, 2022

Fresno Warlocks

a group of hackers who aim low no big pay out and think there ballars

Fresno Warlocks need to chill and let show them how it's done

by jokera March 19, 2022