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ginny whop ginzo

Somebody who does something shady, jerk-offish, or embarassing.

"Dude, put your pants back on you ginny whop ginzo".

"That ginny whop ginzo was hitting on your girlfriend".

by Sam K. June 4, 2004

6πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

molly whopped their donkey business

1. to utterly destroy someone or something
2. to beat someones ass

we just molly whopped their donkey business 3-0 in soccer

by sg-t September 8, 2008

22πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

hip hop molly whop

Someone places their nut sack in range of a sleeping persons face to where when the person bolts up into the sitting position after being punched in the stomach the nut sack will slap their face, than the victim follows through to a face plant in another mans bare ass crack. In short a tea bag followed by a Bionic Sit up.

"Nate and David gave Mike a hip hop molly whop to wake him up for work."

by XS-01 STRIKER November 30, 2014

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Dilly Whop

The action in the sport of trapshooting in which the target is turned completely into dust by the shooter in one single shot

Dude, I just completely dilly whopped that target and won the competition!

by beretta_dilly_whop July 26, 2011

Bum Whop

To have anal sex.

"Me and April did the bum whop last night"

by Dill Wum December 2, 2009


When you’re violently hit in the head with an appliance dolly

I got dolly-whopped by that appliance dolly

by Feoj March 13, 2020


1.(v.)to hit one in the stomach
2.(n.)the sound made when hitting one in the stomach (most often the bare stomach)

"Hey Anna, I saw a man running on the side of the road today without a shirt on. It was the perfect moment to a-whop him."

by the best Hannah and Anna August 7, 2008