The art of expelling flatulence on a person or object in a devious or sneaky way, in a manner that sounds like electricity. Preferably on trash cans.
“Hey, you see that guy over there? Go zap him!”
“I sure will, I love zapping!”
A female with a hurt face, or a female that is dizzy in the head.
Look at that zap. Wow she’s zapped. She’s a zap.
An upcoming professional org and working world
Who wouldn't like to join ZAP, I would fuck the ZAP org,
A little hit, often done somewhat jokingly.
I made a joke about Katie's period, so she zapped me with her hand.
Sending payments of Bitcoin over the lightning network on Nostr.
On Nostr (decentralized social media), you can send zaps instead of likes on people's posts. The creator keeps 100% of the money sent.
Zaps can be worth fractions of a penny to thousands of dollars. Zaps are often measured in "sats". There are 100,000,000 sats in one bitcoin.
It's also like Venmo or Cashapp for bitcoiners. Instead of "just venmo me back" a person using bitcoin may say, "just zap me back". People can find their friends on the Nostr network and pay them without permission.
"I'd zap that"
"I'll pay for coffee, just zap me back"
"Sorry babe, I'm zapping another girl right now"
"Zap so many sats your grandchildren will think you're retarded"
"See how many zaps that post got"
"I'm a zap addict"