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Bill Cosby Card

There are four bases in a relationship

First base
Second base
Third base
and finally
the Home Plate

First is making out
second is making out with the tongue.
third is touching
and fourth is sex

There are times where there are accidents like rape and underage sex which is considered rape regardless of age. This is when the Bill Cosby Card gets played. Normally it is the man who plays it.

Once the card is played the male is in prison for a matter of 3-10 years for rape.

Don't say I didn't warn you. You already played the card. You're now a registered sex offender.

Troy: I heard Trevor played the Bill Cosby Card, Owen.
Owen: He did WHAT?
Troy: He pulled the Bill Cosby Card!
Owen: Did I hear that right?
Troy: Yes. Trevor boned Amanda just as they started dating and she filed a police report about a rape!

by Anonomous4002 June 17, 2020

Bill Cosby Sweater

Bill Cosby sweater pre-trial Is act of eating an entire box of fruity pebbles, then vomiting it onto your partner's chest. But then there's a post-trial; Where she gotta be unconscious and you suck her toes afterward.

So I gave this b**** a Bill Cosby sweater.
You know cosby my guy So I had ta give her roofies first..

by Serpent in the desert March 7, 2024

Bill Cosby Sweater

Bill Cosby sweater pre-trial Is act of eating an entire box of fruity pebbles, then vomiting it onto your partner's chest. But then there's a post-trial; Where she gotta be unconscious and you suck her toes afterward.

So I gave this b**** a Bill Cosby sweater.
You know cosby my guy So I had ta give her roofies first..

by Serpent in the desert March 7, 2024

Bill Cosbied

The art of drugging someone.

Did you hear that Joshua got bill cosbied?

by Fdurl March 10, 2021

bill cosbyed


I just bill cosbyed!

by johncool248 January 1, 2023

Bill Cosby case

Unpopular cases are the ones that people hopefully don't forget in favor of something that appeals to more people's taste in what a good trial should be like.

Instead of listening to somebody that tries to tell people they are winning something, or that everybody is winning something, and getting their hopes/ego/morale boosted, doesn't it make more sense to focus on what all you're losing in life, and what the cost will be to you or others, even if it's not all sunshine and positivity? The Bill Cosby case illustrates that the machine/system is not really a win-win for anybody, no wonder it's not popular. People like their bullshit in America, bullshit is what's popular, people like to hear win-win and happy endings even if reality is not always like that for everybody. A realistic outcome isn't going to be popular.

by The Original Agahnim June 30, 2021

Bill Cosby pills

Bill Cosby Pills is When you drugged someone with Bill Cosby pills and then rape them

Someone: What!? What happend?
Me: I was so drunk last night it felt like i was under some Bill Cosby pills

by lightburn April 18, 2017