Source Code

Dick Cheney

The act of pulling out of a girl's mouth and blowing a juicy wad all over her face when she specifically said not to.

Tom forcefully pulled out of Betty's mouth, ignoring his desire to have her swallow his load, and fired off a mayonaise round onto her face. As the shock set in, he said "Sorry I thought you were a deer."
This is the proper way to perform a Dick Cheney.

by SuperFrickinAwesomeFoo October 22, 2009

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Dick Cheney

To shoot someone in the face. Most applicable when that someone is a beloved friend or relative of the shooter.

(guy shoots another guy in the face)

Guy 1: Whoa! You just shot Frederick Rogerson! He saved your life three times, looked after your children while you were out, for free, and introduced you to your wife of 17 years! And you Dick Cheney'd him!

Guy 2: Yeah, I Dick Cheney'd my wife and kids too.

Guy 1: You're secretly Dick Cheney, aren't you?

Guy 2: Ha-HA! Sly one, aren't you?

by smpoza February 22, 2009

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going cheney

Similar to going postal, but usually involving a shotgun filled with buckshot instead of an uzi. May involve the disfiguring of a friend or associate by firing the shot at their face, usually after drinking lots of scotch.

Nigga, you disrespect me again and I will be going cheney on your ass.

by Buggieboy April 11, 2008

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dick cheney

Pwns at Hunting Old People

Dick Cheney shot his old bastard friend in the face and played it off like it was an accident. what a badass

by Daniel Hennagir November 11, 2006

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Dick Cheney

The future president of the United States who will take office once G dubbs is assassinated.
-A crazed lunatic who will corrupt and destroy the world, and has secretly injected all americans with crabs through syringes and stranded 2 Pac in Antarctica because he knew about Dick Cheney's plan to take over the world.

Danny you better migrate to Antarctica fast, because Dick Cheney is president and you gotta save 2 pac.

by kate is bait December 1, 2004

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Dick Cheney

made money off the Iraq War

Dick Cheney made money off the Iraq War

by mybootyhadulike March 31, 2015

rogue cheney

Shadow dragon slayer of sabertooth. Known for not really showing emotions, except to Gajeel Redfox

He's also the best friend ( and team mate )
( probably also the boyfriend) of Sting Eucliffe.

I almost forgot the age

He's 19

( he acts 2 )

" Rogue Cheney is so cute! I ship him with Sting"

by StinggoneRogue August 21, 2017