He is the rudest person ever. If you ever see him, run. Never bring your Fanta around him, he will steal it. If your name is Ava, never talk to him. If your name is Jack, he’ll have a crush on you, run. Stay away from a Johannes, unless he is in a calm mood (rare), he will be fine.
a) someone just stole my soda!
b) his name was definitely Johannes
The best mom you could think of
Person: Your kid looks awful
Johanne: *shoots them*
A sweet and soft girl who acts very different depending who she gangs out with. She is wery akward and deep conversations are not always her thing. She also cryes alot.
You: hi!
Johanne: hello:)
You: hey, i think you spilles some sauce on ur shirt;)
Johanne: im really sorry! Pls dont hate me!:(
She ist the one girl everyone likes. She has a ton of friends and always makes new ones. She is very fun and outgoing but can be a little bit shy sometimes too.
Heyyy everyone johanne is in the housee! *Cheeers* Lets keep that party goingg
Johanne is what you call a person without a brain.
dang bro you act like a johanne
Johanne is the coolest person you'll ever meet. She is super stylish and has a great sense of humor. Taking on her daily life in Northern Europe Johanne is very dedicated to whatever she is doing while she also does everything with ease. Johannes are also born with great athletic skills which definitely pays off when you see their smoking hot bodies.
Friend 1: "Omg I wish I was Johanne"
Friend 2: "Me too, she's just so good at everything"
Friend 1: "Exactly, and super hot too!"
Biggest pussy alive despite only eating cock
He is sutch a Johannes