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Man with good mind. Very creative and innovative person. deals problems in a creative way. Good life partner and a true lover. sagattarius. His life partner is so lucky to have him. Man of simplicity.

Muhammad Shah is the clever among all !!

by Aktics November 24, 2021


Nigga with big dick and huge ass , really good at Mobile Legends and don't have father

Yo Muhammad what player to choose.

by Zeusuu April 30, 2024


Muhammad is a wonderful, quiet and loving person you’re going ar to meet, he's also good keeping secrets, and he loves from the bottom of his soul but he doesn't know how to express his feelings, but it's his actions that will tell you, Muhammad takes care of others and always tries to put himself in their place. He's affectionate, sensitive and caring.

If you have Muhammad you shouldn’t give it away.

by Remure November 23, 2021


The best person in the world.

He is the sweetest person ever and deserves all the love and happiness.

A very genuine, caring person who will be their to emotionally uplift you. Has so much love for all his family members, friends and loved ones.

A really selfless individual. He has a big heart and is also intellectual and philosophical. Gives the best advice to everyone and will be your number one supporter.

Extremely hardworking and dedicated.

Very very attractive, boyfriend material

is that Muhammad over there?
how I wish we could be friends, he seems like the best person ever

by shrek runch randa November 24, 2021


fakest negr0 in history

fuck hes a muhammad

by Sufyaan awan November 22, 2023


Derived from the ancient semitic root h-m-d, with the original image of someone standing on a platform demonstrating vital skills. it signifies emulation. Muhammad literally means “worthy of emulation.” The first to receive such a name was the prophet of Islam in 570 CE.

Muhammad was a benevolent man. He was a visionary trailblazer who’s mindset ushered in the modern world.

by Ibnu Manthur July 30, 2021


A boy named Muhhamad is very kind and mostly is tall. He is very dedicated towards his goals and gives time only to the people who are important to him.

Im so lucky i have muhammad in my life

by November 27, 2022